Page 5 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 5

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                 El-Kahla at the age of 16, Summer of 1991          El-Kahla Schuru-esch-Schams © Schritt
                           ©  Jürgen Sulzbach

                        EL-KAHLA SCHURU-ESCH-SCHAMS

         May 26, 1975 - July 1991, Germany (16 years            El-Kahla went first to Dr. Otokar and Vitja
         and 2 months).                                         Hrebik, of the kennel Min al Bait Said, in
         By Baihas Schuru-esch-Schams out of Afri               Wörrstadt, Germany, and whelped the Min
         Schuru-esch-Schams.                                    al Bait Said “U” litter on January 30, 1983,
         Breeders: Ingeborg and Eckhard E. Schritt,             consisting of 3 males and 2 females.

         Germany. Owners: Dr. Otokar and Vitja
         Hrebik (Min al Bait Said), then in 1988: Hans          Five years later in 1988 – she was then 13 -
         and Elsbeth Müller, Germany.                           retired School Superintendent Hans Müller
                                                                of Erbach, Germany, himself 75 at the time,
         El-Kahla was from an interesting litter of 4           adopted El-Kahla.

         sand and 4 black mantle puppies. There
         were 4 males and 4 females, 2 of each per              In spite of her age, El-Kahla adjusted very
         coat color. It was the 10th litter in Germany          well to her new environment. Her new
         since the renaissance of the breed.                    owners Hans and Elsbeth Müller took care
                                                                of her with committed and heartwarming
                                                                understanding. She responded with
                                                                affection and devotion.
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