Page 9 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 9

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                     0  9

                            Left: Fannanya as a youngster and right: at the age of ten years © Siebel


        April 5, 1981 – August 12, 1997 (16 years and           In July 1981, the little Sloughia came to
        4,5 months), Netherlands.                               live with her new owner and the pup got
        By Barry Min Ahrar al Maghrib out of                    on very well with the Afghans. She was
        Bluedon’s Zaherit Eltofah.                              remarkably intelligent and sensitive to
        Breeder: Jeanny Braakman – Machielsen,                  the ambiance. She was also a little bit
        owner: Nely Bleiji, Netherlands.                        more obedient than the Afghans. During
                                                                walks, off leash, she was not good on

        "Fannanya was from a litter of 10 puppies, 5            recall, but she always stayed nearby. She
        dogs and 5 bitches. For me this was a very              also was a clever hunter, in short: a real
        special litter because I learned to know the            Sloughi!
        breed through Fannanya's brother and her
        sister, Furuq and Faher and the rest is                 Fannanya was not shown that much but
        history they say! One sister, Furah, went to            when she was entered, she won almost

        Italy and a brother, Farhan, to the USA ,               always.
        where he gained the respectable age of 15
        years. Fursan stayed with his breeder and               She became a Dutch show champion in
        the other Sloughis of this litter found loving          1983, was Best of Breed at the NVOW
        homes in the Netherlands.                               Clubmatch (Oriental Sighthound Club) of
                                                                the same year and was World Winner in
        Fannaya’s owner, Nely Bleiji, was (and still            1985 from an entry of 38 bitches!
        is) a show judge; she already owned Afghan              She also gained championships in San

        Hounds. The Sloughi breed was, as Nely                    Remo and Monte Carlo.
        herself said, “an old love."
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