Page 12 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 12

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                    1  2

        Urika was not bred but her bloodline                 UICL Jugendchampion 1984
        comes down to us today through her black             Verbandrennsieger 1988 and 1990
        mantle sister Urit Min al Bait Said."                Bundesrennsiger 1990

                                                             Deutsche Kurzstreckenmeister 1988, 1989,
        By Christa Händel, Thomas Liedtke,                   1990
        Germany and M.-Dominique Crapon de                   Deutsche Rennchampion
        Caprona, USA.                                        Twice the winner of the
                                                             Altersfrischewettbewerbs, in 1997 and 1998 in
        Titles                                               Rifferswil, Switzerland, against more than 10
        Deutscher and UICL Champion für                      Sloughis and as the oldest entry.
        Schönheit und Leistung

        Deutscher and International Champion                 Urika is one of only two female sighthounds
                                                             to have earned the UICL Champion for
                                                             Beauty and Performance title. The other is
                                                             her close friend Basana Schuru-esch-

                                Urika winning the UICL Beauty and Performance trophy © Händel
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