Page 11 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 11
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 1 1
Urika on the cover of Sloughi International and in the arms of her owner © Händel
January 30, 1983 – May 31, 1999 (16 years Urika came to the Family Händel following
and 4 months), Germany. the closing of the Min al Bait Said’s kennel.
By Midrah Schuru-esch-Schams out At the time, she could not walk nor stand
of El-Kahla Schuru-esch-Schams. due to poor care and lack of exercise.
Breeders and first owners: Dr. Otokar and Christa Händel had to carry her outside,
Vitja Hrebik, Germany, then after 1987: where she could hardly stand and do her
Christa and Sepp Händel, who adopted and business, but she was committed to helping
rehabilitated her. her improve.
"Of Urika, Christa and Sepp Händel said in Sometime later, Christa Händel took Urika
Sloughi International 1993: to her racing club and there Urika saw the
“It was her infinitely sad eyes that would dogs running and tried it herself. After that
not let me go when I first saw Urika. She she won all the time - an impressive
was to still have a happy life with us. This rehabilitation and recovery.
small “dog person” developed into a big
personality, did not only become an Urika lived with Basana Schuru-esch-
extremely adorable, and cuddly family and Schams. The two Sloughias were
pack member, but she showed us and all inseparable.
her admirers what she was made of.”