Page 15 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 15
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 1 5
Ibn Farhan with Mr Gray © Rodarty
March 8, 1986 – May, 2001 (15 years and 2 of course he carried no kennel name
months), USA. either since neither Mario Rechtszaid
By Fahran of Mumtaz-I-Javanadmi out of nor the Rodartys considered
Tounsia Kahloul de la Treille. themselves breeders and had no
Breeder: Mario Rechtszaid, owners Kate kennel prefix.
and Carl Rodarty, USA.
During most of his life he shared the
“Ibn was a brother of Nubia from that very Rodarty’s home with their challenging
large litter, and the one the Rodartys Azawakh bitch from Gisela Cook-
kept for themselves, mainly because he was Schmidt’s first litter (the Reckendahl’s
the one they felt most resembled his "I" litter, first Azawakh litter in the
sire. Very different in type from Nubia, but Western Hemisphere).”
a very handsome guy with a very sweet
temperament. He was not as tall and By Jack McGuffin, USA.
substantial as Farhan, who was quite a
sizeable male.
Editor’s note: Ibn Fahran never sired a
Ibn was the devoted and cherished litter but his lineage lives on today
companion of the Rodartys for those many through his two uncles Fursan and Furuq
years. He was never shown or anything and of Mumtaz-I-Javanadmi.