Page 20 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 20

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   2  0

          Although Amir was very good in lure-                 Editor’s note: Amir was not bred but his
          coursing and straight racing, his main               bloodline was passed on by his brother
          talent was oval racing where his sly                 Aswad Shi’Rayan and his sister A’ssissa
          disposition always made him grab the spot            Shi’Rayan and is still alive today.
          near the rail, sneaking past the competition

          at full speed. He dominated the field of oval
          racing Sloughis in the USA from 1995 to

          Three photos and text by Dr. M.-
          Dominique Crapon de Caprona, USA.

          6th Gazehound Racing Champion (straight
          racing, Large Gazehound Racing
          Association, LGRA)                                          Watching over Tunisian puppy Rym, 1999
          First Nubia Memorial Cup Winner in 1995
          Foundation Coursing Champion (American

          Sighthound Field Association)
          First Sloughi Supreme Oval Racing
          Champion for the breed
          Tied with his brother Aswad, as first
          NOTRA National Champion for the breed in

          #5 all breeds 1995 in LGRA.
          There is a NOTRA trophy in his name.

          Amir won the first ever LGRA race meet,
          and his talent in coursing enabled the
          Sloughi’s recognition by ASFA.
          He was also one of the Sloughis

          demonstrating how the breed races on an
          oval track in 1994 in Colorado. This
          resulted in the breed’s recognition by the
          National Oval Track Racing Association
          (NOTRA, non-commercial oval racing) in

          December 1994.
                                                                          Sleeping on the kitchen table
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