Page 30 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 30

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   3  0

         Ibtsama was a very stable Sloughia with               Trained for racing by Don Papin (Windyglen,
         tremendous drive. She was a beautiful                 California)
         courser until at some point she decided to
         think: she would start briefly upon the               Wins with us

         release, then stalk the lure as it was pulled         BOB ASFA Region V Invitational 2003 (lure
         through the course to finally leap and                coursing)
         pounce on it at the end, a comic relief on            #1 Sloughi in ASFA lure coursing 2003, 2005
         the field.                                            and 2006
                                                               Third Sloughi Field Champion (ASFA lure
         Ibtsama was a dedicated mother to her                 coursing)

         puppies.                                              26th Sloughi Gazehound Racing Champion
                                                               (straight racing)

         When my mother died and I had to take her             Editor's note: Ibtsama had two litters at
         French Pointer Bouncy, she welcomed her               Shi’Rayan, the “O” litter with Bi-Na
         and introduced her to our place. It was               Mahanajim in June 2004 and the “R” litter
         wonderful to watch how she took care of               with Najeeb Shi’Rayan in July 2007. Her
         her. Ibtsama never showed aggression to               bloodline is alive in today’s pedigrees.

         other dogs although she guarded our                   Ibtsama is a great-granddaughter of
         property."                                            Tunisian Dinah, the oldest recorded Sloughi
                                                               in North Africa. Amir Shi’Rayan, also
         Photos and text by Dr. M.-Dominique                   featured in this issue, is her granduncle as
         Crapon de Caprona, USA.                               well.

         Wins under her first owner
         Hound group Winner
         Reserve Best Rare Breed in Show (2002)
         IABCA International Champion
         Second IABCA Honor champion for the
         breed (2002)
         First IABCA Honor Champion bronze for

         the breed (2002)
         First IABCA Honor Champion silver for the
         breed (2002)
         First IABCA Honor Champion Gold for the
         breed (2003)
                                                                             Still going strong at 13 years
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