Page 27 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 27
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 2 7
Left: Yashaya and right: D'Kleine Muck, Djahra and their 14 years old mother Yashaya
August 16, 1999 – February 16, 2015 (15 In November 2003 she became the mum
years and 6 months), Belgium then of the D-litter in the kennel Sheik el
Germany. Arab.
By Daoud Schuru-esch-Schams out of
T’Seraga Min Darazja Loewwla. Her daughter D'Kleine Muck (D’Little
Breeder: Guy Coenen, Belgium, owner: bug), who lived to be almost 15, then
Stefan Kopriva, Germany. moved to Dortmund at the age of 8
weeks and spent her life with Mama Mo.
"Yashaya was a very special Sloughia for us.
She was born in Belgium and moved in with In October 2007, our A-litter was born.
us at the age of 5 months. We and her Unfortunately the mother Pervin died
friends affectionately called her Mo or when the puppies were 6 weeks old. Our
Mugy. Mugy immediately took over the
education of the puppies and took care
She was a wonderful and extraordinary of the 7 Saluki kids. Her daughter Kleine
Sloughia; with her charm she immediately Muck was responsible for the playing
wrapped most around her paws, at home: a hours. Mo was a great teacher for all our
very sovereign pack leader, a family dogs.
member, a part of our lives!