P. 32

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                   3 2

                              VEHICLES NAMED SLOUGHI

                                      BY M.-DOMINIQUE CRAPON DE CAPRONA  -  USA

        As we have seen in the Sloughi Review special edition #5, Sloughis are very much

        integrated in a people’s psyche in legends, but they are also an inspiration in a completely
        different field, that of the naming of vehicles on land and water. Owners, engineers and
        architects have named bikes, a motorbike, a van, a car coat color and several boats
        “Sloughi” in honor of the breed as early as the 19th century. They are presented here
        chronologically in each chapter listed alphabetically: Bikes, boats and cars.


       1891 The Sloughi, 1892 The Racing Sloughi and The Sloughi Extra velocipedes, France
       The cycle historian, Bernard Chaussinand, cycle specialist in the Saint-Etienne region, sent

       us the following message:

       “Encycloduvelo mentions several times the following Saint-Etienne companies, initially
       linked by a kinship (the Dombret family), but which evolved separately, notably one of
       them, under the leadership of Victor Jussy.

       Here is the chronology of the history of these companies.

       Since 1874, there existed in the La Chaléassière district a mechanical factory specializing in
       the manufacture of gas engines and then in weapons of war under the leadership, around
       1880, of Auguste Dombret. The latter joined forces in 1888 with Victor Jussy to embark on
       the cycling adventure by creating the brands: SLOUGHI (the best known), but also
       ESTAPHETE and LE MISTRAL……….”

       In Encyclo du Vélo
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