P. 28

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                   2 8

        Later, while walking in the garden which was full of bunnies running away, she told me in
        a stern tone not to let her pull like that! Ferda gladly accepted all the attention from the

        residents, she clearly enjoyed it very much. It was a very special visit.

                                                                Have you ever thought about becoming a
                                                                Yes, I even did both the basic courses
                                                                general cynological knowledge (AKK) and
                                                                conformation and movement (E&B). But
                                                                along the way I found out that I really

                                                                liked coursing better. Both Frie and I are
                                                                international coursing judges; I since '87
                                                                and Frie since 2000. We judge with great
                                                                pleasure, it's a joy to see the dogs work
                                                                from such a short distance. We are also
                                                                regularly abroad for this and sometimes

         Frie and Gabr at the start of a coursing competition,   plan our vacations around the
         me with Zinah as a companion dog.                      competitions.

        Do you have a fun anecdote about something you experienced with the dogs? What is
        your most precious memory?
        Every day the dogs do make me laugh.

        There are so many memories! Each dog is completely different. Although the same breed,
        there are great differences. Barud the tough and confident male, not so big at all, but not
        afraid of anyone. A Rottweiler owner once sneered about him, when I asked her to keep
        her dog with her: “Ah that little dog of yours? Mine would have caught yours in no time.”
        Well, that did not last long; Barud showed the impressive Rottweiler all corners of the

        park, without biting.

        Beldi was really a fussy girl, but really my girl. Faruq was not an easy dog; he could
        sometimes be pretty ugly to other males. To the ladies he was always extremely friendly.
        Ferda was a happy go lucky bitch, and an incredible hunter, both in the field and at the
        coursing events. Gabr is the “soft boiled egg” of the family; a gentleman, soft and sensitive
        in character. Ghaada still likes to be naughty and go crazy every day. She also has a very

        strong will, which she already had as a puppy. She doesn't like cutting her nails and she
        shows that clearly. Unfortunately I have to do it anyway and it has to happen once in a
        while. And with patience and tenacity we will get there. “An iron fist in a velvet glove”
        Peter Kouwenhoven always said, I have never forgotten that statement.
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