Page 13 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW Special Edition 5
P. 13
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 1 3
The best description is the reproduction, placed here, of champion Sidi Sjeig, the powerful
male of Michel La Fontijn in Bergen op Zoom.
This dog would be perfect if he had a black mask; his shape is impeccable.
I said, the sloeqi is designated as a companion for the cyclist; yes, movement is his greatest
pleasure but also necessary for his health.
For never will the sloeqi be happy and healthy as a dog that is walked on a rope twice a day. It
is a joy for my eyes when I go out on the moors with three or four sloeqis and then, playing
warrior, they dart, fly, almost float by in beautiful, undulating movements.
Yes, it is not for nothing that the real proud desert dweller sets the sloeqi so high that he
says: “a good falcon, a fast dog, a noble horse, are worth more than twenty women”, a
comparative appreciation which sounds a bit too Eastern.
Champion SIDI SJEIG, owned by Michel La Fontijn
Bergen op Zoom, bred by August Le Gras