Page 16 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW Special Edition 5
P. 16

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                    1 6

        Also, from an early age, the sloeqi gets used to respecting chickens, sheep and goats as
        property of the master and not confusing them with hunting game.

        Their diet consists of barley bread, sweet milk, mutton, dates, which they are very fond of,
        and couscous, the famous flour meal of the Arabs.

        Although the Bedouins hold the sloeqi in very high esteem and are proud to own a beautiful,
        agile dog, yet, no more than any other animal, much care is taken in his care.

        But, if a bitch is in love, the owner does not hesitate to sometimes make a journey of days to
        bring her into contact with a beautiful husband. And only a beautiful bitch can qualify for a
        marriage with an equally beautiful male.

        And thus I conclude this reflection, hoping to have achieved my goal of arousing more
        interest and love for one of the cleanest breeds, winning new fanciers and new breeders.
        From the Netherlands, a new victory for the veterans then begins.
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