Page 18 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW Special Edition 5
P. 18

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                    1 8

                                       Algeria 2024 and hunting injury © Zahraoui Abdeljalil

        Medical reasons

        When running, the dog gets injured on the bottom of his feet.
        We put it on the legs and add some medicinal herbs to heal the wound.
        We use this herb with henna and Alum. We call this herb ﺔﻃﺎﻴﺧ (al-Khiata*)

        By Zahraoui Abdeljalil (2024, Algeria)

                                             al-Khiata herb* and Alum crystal

        *Editor’s note: In English Felty germander, in French Germandrée tomenteuse, in Latin Tucrium
        polium. Alum powder can be used as a natural astringent and antiseptic by dissolving a small
        amount in water and applying it to minor cuts and wounds.
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