Page 30 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW Special Edition 5
P. 30

T H E   S L O U G H I   R E V I E W                                                                   3 0

        To his master, the Sloughi gives the best of himself with all his sensitivity and his strength
        of attachment. The master is the one who raised, maintained and initiated him, then used
        him for hunting. He opposes a more, or less, marked indifference to anyone other than
        this master, and if he unfortunately happens to change hands, he risks suffering to the
        point of confining himself to a fierce reserve, or even to the point of prostration and

        withering away.

        He can never forget the one to whom he devoted his first and unalterable veneration
        without reservation, even if he is separated from him, and he will know how to recognize
        him, without hesitation, after years and years of distance.

        On this subject, let us be allowed to quote the informed opinion of this old “blédard”* that
        is Captain Coget:

        “I protest, he declares, against the stupid saying that the Sloughi is stupid. Those who have
        such an opinion of the Sloughi do not know him and have probably never owned one. I must
        say, however, that this dog only caresses his first master to whom he remains attached. He

        does not forget the one who raised and caressed him at a young age. If he changes owners,
        he appears rather indifferent to his second owner.”

        Living among horses that he finds when resting, walking or hunting, the Sloughi greatly

        enjoys their company. He knows how to recognize the best steed of the crew, the fastest,
        with the surest foot. He seeks him out by predilection, follows him in preference to
        others and out of play, likes to frolic familiarly after him with a joyful and spirited grace.

        When hunting, the Sloughi demonstrates an intelligence, an instinct, a cunning, which are
        further served by his prodigious faculties of take-off, speed and flexibility in movements.
        The reflexes are lightning-fast and inconceivably precise. His style is admirable in its

        breadth, vigor, accuracy and elegance. His role is threefold: he must first spot the prey,
        then pursue and reach it; finally seize it, carry it and slaughter it.

        *Expert of the backcountry
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