Page 31 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW Special Edition 5
P. 31
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 3 1
To discover the prey, nature has given him a sharp and clear sight. To reach the prey,
nature has given him muscles of steel, long and flat, of incredible flexibility and power,
and also a special structure allowing him to ensure complex and precise movements, with
a decisive speed. Because to force the hunting beast (and the Sloughi is dedicated to
pursuing the fastest and most agile game) it is not enough for him to maintain dizzying
speeds, but he must also leap across the dunes, the espartos, mastic trees or rocks and,
on many occasions, provide lightning wrench*.
The Sloughi's gallop is, moreover, only a series of leaps that become increasingly spirited
in the course of the speed acquired. He is the prototype of the bouncer. The started up
Sloughi can cover distances of 8 to 10 meters with one of these fantastic leaps, depending
on its size and the terrain. It then gives the impression of a bow that unstretches itself.
Unforgettable spectacle for those who contemplate it.
To drop the prey, nature has provided the Sloughi with a formidable jaw, of incredible
depth and armed with powerful, terribly deadly teeth. In addition, the great reserve of
muscular strength hidden in the dryness of his elastic neck complements the admirable
mechanism of the gripping system.
*Editor’s note: in Coursing, “wrench” is a term used for a turn of less than a right angle,
whereas “turn” is a term used for a turn at not less than a right angle.
SLOUGHIA (Moroccan type) three-quarter view. SLOUGHIA (Moroccan type) profile view.
Note the perfect construction of the forehand and, Note the perfect harmony of proportions, the typical
in particular, the shape of the shoulder, the beautiful structure of the shoulder (with a very slight
balance of the vertical lines and the length of the obliqueness), the almost horizontal topline with a
limbs. moderately arched loin, the clearly oblique croup,
the well lowered thighs and the marked dryness of
all the musculature.