Page 32 - THE SLOUGHI REVIEW Special Edition 5
P. 32
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 3 2
Looking at a Sloughi peacefully stretched
out in the sun in a pose imbued with noble
nonchalance, one cannot suspect the
immense reserve of dynamic power, with
instantaneous spring, which smolders
under these dry and flat muscles, weaving
the body of this strange athlete, with
detached and lascivious looks, with a
scrawny and ascetic appearance.
To see the same dog, standing, wandering
carelessly through familiar places, in looks
full of disdain and noble ease, one is struck
by the marvelous static balance of
proportions in the harmonious symphony YOUNG SLOUGHIA. Note, in this female dog, as in
the subjects of the preceding figures, the relatively
of lines. large head, in the shape of an elongated wedge, the
flat and drooping ear (characteristic of all Asian
But it is in hunting action that we truly sighthounds), and the conformation of the chest, not
measure the value of this masterpiece of descending up to the elbow, but very deep with
particularly developed floating ribs.
power and grace, which the purebred
Sloughi embodies. Not only the beauty of
the movements and looks, in their
impressive vigor and the precision of their
rhythm, delights the eye and makes the
heart beat with vibrant emotion, but also
the finesse of the tactics observed, the
cunning and the accuracy of the methods
followed, command admiration at the
spectacle of the maneuver pushed at a
breakneck pace, controlled by sudden and
sure reflexes, and seeming to go beyond
the limits of pure instinct to enter the SLOUGHI MALE. Remarkable subject in its general
domain of reasoned actions. structure and proportions as well as its muscular
Only a long atavism, accentuated by the immutable practice of the same rites, from
century to century, from generation to generation, and policed by the harsh laws of
merciless selection, has made it possible to bring this ancient race to such a degree of
perfection in his work in the service of man, this superior adapter of the initial instinct of
the enslaved animal.