Page 73 - K9News_Issue13_October2020_download_Neat
P. 73

                                        T      AKING

                                        THE LEAD
                                        THE LEAD

           Photo: Samantha Webster                                                 By Andrea Keepence-Keyte

           Covid-19 still has its grasp on the country and it   crisis, about buying puppies from the less ethical
           has been very demoralising to see the constant      breeder, and it is our responsibility to raise
           updates where show committees have had              awareness. It is sad that reputable breeders are
           to make the difficult, but right, decision and      only contacted once the unscrupulous breeder
           cancelling their shows. The constant changing       wont or cant support when there are problems
           of rules with regards to social distancing and      so the only place to turn is those in the know.
           gathering in groups has made it extraordinarily     I do wonder how we can change this attitude?
           difficult for all involved in dogs shows and I know   The problem often arises because people don’t
           we are all missing our friends and events.          want to wait, they want it now. Good breeders
                                                               often have waiting lists and if you want an
           A truly sad effect of the Covid-19 crisis is the
           sky rocketing of prices of puppies. In beagles      ethically and responsibly bred puppy then you
                                                               might have to wait a while. Its then that people
           we have seen adverts on a well-known, less
                                                               turn to the less desirable websites to source
           desirable site being advertised for in the region
                                                               their puppy.
           £3000-£5000, which is extortion at best. I
           have seen an advert for beagle puppies for          I sadly suspect that our rescue centres are
           £10,000!!! I have seen posts on social media        going to be filling up once the novelty has worn
           which indicate that this is not a beagle problem,   off and reality kicks in. I wonder how many
           but a problem across the board, I know that our     puppies are being prepared for being left during
           responsible and reputable breeders of all breeds    the day when people have to return to work. I
           are rightly outraged at this, not only are these    wonder how many reasons of surrendering a
           puppies and parents often not KC registered, but    dog will include “he destroys the house when
           there is no evidence of health testing or ongoing   left” or “our neighbours complain because of the
           breeder support. There are people taking            noise he makes when we leave”.
           advantage of the situation to make a quick buck
                                                               Happily there are people who will have done the
           and it will only be at the detriment of our breeds.
                                                               right thing and researched and sourced a puppy
           I have had many enquires for puppies since          properly. They will have a healthy and happy
           the crisis began and my reply to these are that
                                                               puppy hopefully with years of breeder support.
           they can contact our breed club secretaries for
                                                               We must encourage these buyers to tell of their
           a list of litters available from reputable breeders.
                                                               experience to their friends and colleagues,
           I also try to include some good advice about
                                                               spread the word so to speak. Hopefully happier
           puppy buying, pointing them in the direction of     stories rather than the sad ones can be used
           the “find a puppy” section on the KC website. I
                                                               as examples which encourage people to fully
           also indicate what the expected price range for
                                                               research before buying. Tales of joy rather than
           a beagle puppy and that anything outside of this
                                                               tales of caution.
           range should make the sceptical.
                                                               “Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our
           I also try to include some general puppy buying     lives whole.” – Roger Caras
           guidance and reference “Lucy’s Law” which                        }
           sadly, does not appear to be getting much press     If anyone has any topics for discussion you can
           since Crufts.
                                                               always reach out to me over social media or via
           I have heard many tales of woe, post and pre        email:

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