Page 77 - K9News_Issue13_October2020_download_Neat
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              BITS & PIECES
              BIT                  S & PIEC                                               ES




                                                                                      by Andrew Brace

             The current pandemic has certainly changed        chance to catch up with like-minded friends at
           our lives. Overnight so much of what we had         the weekend. The upside of mass cancellation
           taken for granted became a longed-for memory        of dog shows was that people were looking at
           as many of us got used to a life of relative        their bank balances and realising how much
           isolation. Social contact was outlawed for many     money they were saving which, in many cases,
           of us and our lifestyle changed as we got used      saw a lot of exhibitors questioning whether
           to online grocery shopping and telephone            or not their hobby was giving them value for
           consultations with doctors.                         money.

             For many “dog people” life had to continue          Lots of us have found out things about
           pretty much as normal as their animals knew         ourselves – many discovering that they had
           nothing of Covid and still needed to be fed,        unexploited talents. Personally l realised that
           groomed and exercised. So many people began         cake baking wasn’t quite as difficult as I had
           working from home, either wholly or partially,      expected. Much as I have always enjoyed
           which gave them more time to spend with their       cooking, and consider myself to be pretty good
           families and pets, and more time to take care       at it, I had never really explored the world of
           of jobs that had previously been put on hold for    baking but recently I have managed to turn out
           tomorrow.                                           the occasional lemon drizzle cake that has done
                                                               nothing for my Covid waistline!
             Those who exhibit their dogs suddenly found
           this social activity taken away from them. The        During lockdown various platforms
           more serious suffered lost opportunities, be it     have launched interviews with well-known
           for chasing that elusive third CC or final Junior   personalities in the dog world which have
           Warrant points, or for bringing out the latest      proved most enlightening, these informal
           exciting puppy for whom its breeder had high        sessions giving us the chance to learn a lot
           hopes. The less determined simply missed the        more about the person behind the face. I have

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