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been the subject of a couple of these interviews This was a first for me and I only agreed after
and I have enjoyed watching dozens more being very heavy persuasion on the part of Ekaterina
questioned. One thing that struck me when Domogatskaya. Having set a broadcast date I
listening to a huge cross section of personalities emailed a copy of my PowerPoint presentation
from a variety of different countries is that most on judging the breed to Katya so that she could
of them made constant reference to those who translate the text on all 40 slides into Russian.
had helped them in their early days. Many refer People from around the world were able to sign
to them as “mentors” and it has been refreshing in free of charge via a much-publicised link and
to hear so many famous faces displaying great once we went live they were free to comment
humility as they acknowledge how icons from and ask questions.
the past had invested in them when they were
starting. Obviously as there was the need to give the
commentary in both English and Russian the
Lots of these interviews have included presentation took longer than usual, the whole
fascinating, and often amusing, stories of webinar lasting for 3 hours. The logistics were
legendary names that would be – to the current a lot slicker than I had anticipated. The text
generation – nothing more than names in the on each slide was separated into clauses by
history books, but they have added colour and bullet points. I gave each clause in English after
depth to the individual interviews. which Katya provided the Russian translation.
At the same time there was a written translation
Another common thread that has surfaced that appeared in the comments column of the
in many of these interviews is the belief that screen. Many of the viewers were of course
newcomers to the sport do not have the same Russian but it was interesting to note comments
attitude as the subjects did when they were and questions from people in a large number of
in their formative years. It has been quite other countries.
concerning to hear so many people suggest that
many of the younger generation do not seek out At the end of the presentation we had a brief
mentorship or search for knowledge on a one- Q&A session and the feedback afterwards was
to-one basis like past generations did. extremely positive, resulting in some much
appreciated comments on Facebook. The
Something else that I heard repeated time conclusion was that there is still a great thirst for
and again was the limitations of academic knowledge amongst genuine dog people.
examinations when it comes to learning about
breeds with a view to eventually judging them. It One consequence of lockdown has been
seems that many of our leading experts believe the rather depressing confirmation that dog
that examinations have their place, but nothing people are adept at public in-fighting and don’t
can replace practical experience in the form of seem to grasp the concept of pulling together
physically seeing outstanding dogs on a regular in times of trouble. The first manifestation of
basis, visiting kennels and talking in depth to this was the quite overwhelming tirade of abuse
experienced and successful breeders. that surfaced in some social media groups that
were confined to judges when numerous online
Another online product that has mushroomed “dog shows” appeared. Basically these were
during lockdown is the “webinar”, a seminar competitions based on a standard dog show
that is broadcast live and is in varying degrees structure where dogs were “judged” on the
interactive with its viewers. As with the strength of their photographs.
interviews, I have seen this new learning tool
from both sides. I have watched several breed This was, in my opinion, a harmless
productions with interest and, at the request of exercise that helped to keep the interest of
the Russian Kynological Federation, after a lot keen exhibitors who were missing dog shows
of planning and preparation broadcast a live so badly. The reaction of some judges was
webinar on judging the Pekingese. unbelievable and the arrogance of some
people quite disturbing. Many objected to