Page 85 - K9 News - Issue 14 - December 2020
P. 85
and tow it back to shore. Gradually the dog around obstacles and over different terrain in a
can move up to the next level as the exercised controlled manner.
become more difficult. For example, the dog will
jump from a moving boat to rescue a pretend I must add in both disciplines the dogs would not
unconscious stranger and pull him back to perform if they did not enjoy it. Newfoundlands
the safety of the shore. In some countries the can be very stubborn and will switch off if they
newfoundland is still used along the shore line want to. However, if you are round the edge of
as life guards. Newfoundlands are also trained a lake watching a training session and someone
to jump from helicopters in real life rescue shouts “HELP” be prepared to be deafened
operations in some countries. by all the dogs yelling to get in the water and
save that person. It’s natural for the dog but
Originally when Newfoundlands first came into something you can’t force.
this country they were used for pulling carts
through narrow streets where larger carts Our dogs have achieved many awards in
couldn’t pass. This practice eventually became draught and water. Milo, Baranova Three
illegal but to this day we still train the dogs to Cheers, achieved Top Working dog in 2017
cart purely for fun.
Along with his great show career. Mary, Ch
The training starts with basic obedience. First Baranova Be Blessed has many awards in
the dog gets used to a harness. He must stand draught also proving you can be a show dog
quietly while this is fitted. and work too.
The next stage is to tow a small log. When All of the Newfoundland clubs have information
the dog is happy with this he can move up to on working your dog and where to look for a
a cart. These are very light weight but have training group near you.
varying degrees of weight added for each
level of competence. The object of a test is to These dogs have become our whole life all from
show your dog is able to manoeuvre the cart an amazing anniversary present.
Mary, Ch Baranova Be Blessed