Page 87 - K9 News - Issue 14 - December 2020
P. 87
microchipped, the Coordinator will arrange
transfer of ownership with the microchip
company. The Club also arranges for a short
term insurance Policy to be put in place and new
owners are urged to continue with the Policy.
New and previous owners are not put in contact
with each other, but the previous owner can
contact the Welfare Coordinator if they are
concerned about the dog’s progress. There will
be a written agreement stating that if, for any
reason, they cannot keep the dog he MUST be
returned to the Newfoundland Club for further Just one of the dogs that have been helped by
rehoming. Newfoundland Club Welfare
Taking on a Welfare Dog elderly or frail people living with you or
visiting regularly, what pets live with you
Some people want to take on a rehomed at present and whether you have owned
Newfoundland because they believe it is a a Newfoundland before. We also want to
cheaper option than buying a puppy! The Club know the work hours of the residents and
DOES NOT HAVE a stock of well-behaved, how long your house is left unattended daily
housetrained, well-groomed 6-month-old (we are not keen to home dogs where they
Newfoundlands waiting for a home. If this will be left alone all day). We also note your
is what you are looking for then a Welfare preference for a male or female dog and
Dog is probably not for you! Newfoundlands what age range you will consider.
who need new homes can often be difficult, z Puppies are VERY RARELY available, and
untrained and in need of bathing and grooming.
nearly always come into welfare with a
They frequently come from unsuitable
medical condition.
circumstances and may not have the ‘eternal
baby-sitter’ character that is usually expected z We also need to know how far you are
in a Newfoundland. Even well brought up prepared to travel to see a dog with a view
Newfoundlands may have habits that were not to taking it on (bear in mind that all your
a problem to the original owner (begging from children and present dog[s] will need to go
the table, sleeping on the sofa etc.) but may not as well).
be acceptable to a new owner. Some are not z The Welfare Coordinator will arrange
suitable for homes where there are children, wherever possible for an experienced
other dogs, cats, livestock or near neighbours. Newfoundland owner to visit you and all
However, with careful matching of dog and your family members in your home. They
owner, rehomed dogs can become a valued will usually bring one of their own dogs with
family member. them if possible. This will provide a further
opportunity to discuss your expectations and
If you are interested in adopting a for you to see the reality of a Newfoundland
Newfoundland, the normal procedure is as in your home. Many people are surprised
follows: and often at this stage decide the breed is
not for them when they see how a wagging
z Your details will be recorded by the tail effectively ‘sweeps’ their shelf contents
coordinator. This will include names of on to the floor or that food on a kitchen
all residents at your address (and ages worktop is always within licking (or even
of children), whether or not there are stealing) distance and that Newfy drool