Page 88 - K9 News - Issue 14 - December 2020
P. 88
doesn’t go well with cream walls. A check Those who adopt a dog are asked to make
of your garden is essential to ensure it is a monetary donation to Newfoundland Club
adequately fenced, what might have kept Welfare so that we can continue to care for and
a Labrador secure may not work so well treat the sick dogs that we have to take in. Often
for a boisterous Newfoundland. From this the Club has to put a significant amount of time
visit we try to get a better awareness for and effort into caring for dogs before they are
the kind of dog that would fit in with your able to be rehomed, particularly if they have
family and your lifestyle. At the end of the never been groomed or bathed.
visit (during which the visitor will have filled
in a detailed document), and assuming that The Club makes a financial contribution towards
you are suitable and still want to go ahead, the neutering of any dog we rehome.
you will be placed on the waiting list. This
is because not every dog we get in for Anyone with a ‘rehomed’ Newfoundland is given
rehoming is suitable for every home. a year’s free membership with The Club and
also encouraged to stay in touch with either
So, what are the most common reason for the Coordinators or the ‘home visitor’ so that
dogs coming into welfare? Over the years the we know that all is going well or to address
Club has taken responsibility for dogs due to problems if they happen.
relationship breakdown, change in financial
situation or housing, and sadly on occasions Throughout the year Newfoundland Club
due to bereavement. We have also seen members work hard to raise funds to support all
dogs that have never been in a house, had our Welfare activities including organising walks,
little human contact and have severe health fun days, raffles, auctions and other ‘on-line’
problems some of which they were born with or events to enable us to continue to help any dog
are likely sadly, to limit their life expectancy. in need.
How long do people have to wait to be matched If you would like to talk to us with regard to
with a dog? This can vary immensely - our potentially adopting a dog, in the first instance
coordinators never know what the next phone please complete the ‘Expression Of Interest in
call will be! Anyone wanting a well-behaved Adopting A Welfare Dog Form’ which can be
dog that is good with children may have an downloaded from The Newfoundland Club’s
exceptionally long wait, whereas someone website
willing to take on a dog with behaviour issues or
long-term health problems could have a shorter
and email to;
wait. Occasionally we need to home dogs in
pairs where it would not be in their interests to
separate them, particularly if they have lived
together all their lives.
Key Contacts:
If you do adopt a Newfoundland from the Club,
Jennifer Angus
you are responsible for all the dog’s care,
Welfare Coordinator
veterinary treatment and training (unless a
Scotland & Northern Ireland
health issue was known about at the time you
Tel: 07842 968329
adopted the dog). However, if you have made
a mistake and do not want to keep the dog you
MUST return it to the Newfoundland Club for Helen Gray
further rehoming. This stipulation will also be Welfare Coordinator
included in your adoption document when you England & Wales
take the dog home. Tel: 07979 028935