Page 16 - ParentsWorld March 2020 flipbuilder
P. 16
nurturing 21st century children
5 reasons why your infant
Parvathy Menon
new-born’s first cry is joy to a parent’s ears as it
shows first signs of life. But as you progress into
parenthood, incessant crying by infants can cause
stress, anxiety and feeling of helplessness. It’s important to
understand that for a toddler — yet to develop language
skills — crying is the strongest and most effective way of
communicating her needs as well as discomfort and distress.
Here are 5 most likely reasons why your infant may be cry-
ing out loud.
StoMach Pain. Infants often swallow air while feeding,
which causes flatulence aka abdominal gas. They could
also be allergic to a new food or suffer constipation. Usually
babies communicate pain through facial expressions and
kick their hands and legs vigorously.
To relieve gas, lift her legs and move them back and
forth, with knees bent. Burping the baby after every feed
also helps. to temperature than adults. During winter, use layers of
clothing but be sensitive to the changing temperature and
hungEr. Infants sometimes cry out for a feed even when remove one or two layers if needed.
you think they have already had their fill. In such cases
breastfeed again. Also little tots experience high growth tEEthing. If your child is being fussy and crying without
spurts and may need to consume more food than usual. reason, teething troubles is a likely reason. Freeze a wet tow-
el (soaked in drinking water) and allow them to suckle it to
fatiguE. A long day of travel or play can make infants ease the discomfort. Also wash your hands in boiled, cooled
tired and sleepy. loud music and dramatic visuals can also water, and massage their gums to provide quick relief.
disturb infants. switch off the television, turn down lights, If none of these reasons explain incessant bawling, find
give your baby a warm bath and massage, and let her un- ways to distract her attention by playing with her. she could
wind and sleep well. be bored or want a change of scene. Taking a walk can also
help her settle down.
dirty diaPErS. Infants are often uncomfortable because Observe your infant’s reactions closely and you are likely
of diaper rash or wet and dirty diapers. Check and change to understand her demands better. The body language of
diapers as often as needed. However give your tiny tot some infants reveals symptoms of distress. For instance, some
diaper-free time, to let the skin breathe. Use corn flour children indicate distress by touching a body part that feels
instead of talcum powder to keep her dry. itchy or sweaty.
Comforting weepy infants can be overwhelming for new
WEathEr WoES. That refreshing breeze of a ceiling fan mothers. Allow your spouse, parents and others to soothe a
could be too much for a new-born while an over-dressed crying baby. A change of hands can help your baby focus
infant could sweat profusely. Infants are more sensitive on someone new and give you a much needed break as well.
parentsworld • march 2020 16