Page 19 - ParentsWorld March 2020 flipbuilder
P. 19

concepts and abstract                            spatial and fine motor skills. The development of  this
         reasoning.                                       intelligence will help them in any career they choose,”
            “spatial reasoning                            says Dr. Akhil Shahani, the Mumbai-based chairman
         skills can be developed                          of  Global Discovery schools, a chain of  14 institutions
         in several ways and are                          across India.
         especially important                                While introducing spatial tasks in early childhood
         for success and                                  education is important, child development experts believe
         innovation in sTEM                               that stimulating spatial
         (science, technology,                            intelligence in the
         engineering, and                                 middle years between
         maths) careers.       dr. akhil Shahani          ages 8-12 is more
         Teachers and parents                             crucial. “Children
         should introduce children to activities such as solving   in primary school
         puzzles, using maps, visual aids, and drawing from early   should be exposed and
         age to improve their spatial intelligence. simple tasks such   encouraged to learn
         as asking three-five-year-old preschoolers to copy shapes   experientially and
         from a blackboard on paper, helps them develop their   given the freedom to
                                                          explore through play
                                                          activities. Although
           SPatiaL cELEbrity ProfiLES                     this is one of  the    Mimansha Popat
           Here’s a list of  artists and explorers who used their   most important of
           spatial skills to pursue successful careers. Each of   the eight intelligences
           them also happened to live with a disability.   it is often neglected. Educators and parents need to do
           Leonardo da Vinci                              more to develop the capability of  students to visualise
           Italian painter, sculptor, architect, musician,   three-dimensional shapes and process information,”
           engineer, and scientist. Renaissance Man. He had a   says Mimansha Popat, psychotherapist at Prafulta
           learning disability.                           Psychological services, Mumbai.
           Admiral Peary                                     Here are some activities recommended by child
           American arctic explorer and naval officer. He had a   development experts to improve visual-spatial intelligence
           communicative disorder.                        of  children in the age group 8-12.
           Vincent Van Gogh                                Free play (outdoor and indoors) exposes children to
           Post-impressionist painter, Netherlands-born Van   spatial experiences in their immediate environment. For
           Gogh had epilepsy and struggled with mental illness,   instance, knowing if  they can pass through a narrow
           including depression and dementia.             corridor or fit under the living room sofa helps them
           Marc Chagall                                   develop spatial reasoning.
           Russian cubist and expressionist painter. He had a    Playing informal games such as hopscotch, marbles
           communicative disorder.                        and lagori (seven tiles) and formal rules-driven games such
           Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec                      as badminton, promotes body control and balance and
           French painter and lithographer. lautrec fell and   helps children understand the connotations of  space and
           broke both legs when he was a child and was    distance.
           permanently stunted.                            Drawing, especially landscapes and cityscapes, helps
                                                          children become familiar with angles and perspective.
           EXErciSE                                        Amateur photography develops visual perspective.
           Ask your children if  they can think of  any famous    Maps reading helps children grasp concepts of  space
           people who have high spatial intelligence. start them   and direction. Asking children to help with navigation
           off  with a few familiar names:                using Google maps enables them to learn about multiple
            Frank lloyd Wright                           travel options in the real world.
            Andy Warhol                                   Children’s sense of  direction can be developed by
            Georgia O'Keeffe                             asking them to gather specific objects from different
            Martha stewart                               locations in a house. Parents could also draw charts and
            The Wright Brothers                          ask their children to colour items either on the left, right,
            Amelia Earhart                               top or bottom of  a page.
                                                           several educational games and puzzles such as
           Source: multiple intelligences in the classroom by thomas
           armstrong (ascd 1994)                          Tangram and Katimino enhance spatial reasoning

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