Page 22 - ParentsWorld March 2020 flipbuilder
P. 22

nurturing 21st century children
                asK your


                                                                                           SuE  atKinS


         My 14-year-old son gets sweaty palms before an   is part and parcel of adolescent development. it’s not
         exam. the condition became so intense before a   unusual for teenage girls to put on up to 7 kg during
         recent exam that he soaked through ten tissue    puberty. Boys could more than double that weight during
         papers. how can i help him?                      puberty.
                                    — Riyanna Kapoor, Mumbai  however, your daughter’s sudden weight gain could
         Medically, the condition of excessively sweaty palms is   be linked to a sedentary lifestyle during the study
         known as palmar hyperhidrosis. it can be caused by   holidays. therefore…
         emotional stress and/or the body trying to control its   • encourage her to exercise — take a 20-minute walk,
         temperature (thermoregulation). When excited, scared,   jog or run.
         or nervous, a specific type of sweat gland from our fight   • Appreciate her special attributes and build up her self-
         or flight (sympathetic) nervous system is stimulated. the   esteem.
         stress your son experiences before an exam makes him   • discuss the benefits of healthy eating, drinking
         sweat profusely. here are some useful tips to alleviate this   adequate water and physical exercise.
         condition:                                       • encourage her to maintain a food diary to record diet
         • Make sure he has a well-balanced diet. this is vital for   changes.
         your child’s good health during the exams period.  • exams are stressful so help her relax and unwind in
         • ensure he gets adequate sleep. A good night’s rest   ways that don’t involve bingeing — such as listening to
         improves thinking and concentration. Adolescents need   music and playing sports and games.
         an average eight-ten hours of sleep every night.
         • Be flexible during exams. When he is studying and   My three-year-old son hates preschool. i feel guilty
         revising lessons, don’t fuss about undone chores such as   about leaving a crying child in playschool.  Please
         untidy bedrooms and wardrobes.                   advise
         • reassure your son. let him know that you love him                         — Vineeta Kumar, Bangalore
         unconditionally, regardless of his exam scores. remind   your child’s anxiety is the perfectly normal reaction of
         him that it’s normal to feel anxious before an exam.  preschoolers as they have absolutely no idea what to
         • listen to your son, support him and avoid criticism.   expect in a new environment outside of home. Please…
         let him know that failure is not the end of the world   • Focus on telling him about the enjoyable activities of
         and exams can be written again.                  preschool — the new games he will play and the new
         • encourage him to drink plenty of water throughout the   friends he will make.
         day and remain hydrated.                         • it will take several weeks before he eases into his new
         • On exam day, wash hands in cold water, avoiding   environment. So give him time to adjust gently and
         soap, as it dries skin and induces sweat.        slowly.
         • give him a cotton handkerchief to wipe his hands   • reassure him that you will be there to pick him after
         when he feels sweaty during the day.             school and ensure you are on time to avoid unnecessary
         My 15-year-old daughter who is at home for the study   • Visit the preschool and meet/talk with his teacher.
         holidays to prepare for her class X board exams, has   • Set up play dates with some of his classmates.
         suddenly put on considerable weight. now she is
         embarrassed about her weight. Please advise.     (Sue atkins is a uK-based internationally recognised parenting
                                      — Sreepa Nair, Kozhikode  expert, broadcaster, speaker and author of Parenting Made Easy
         Pre-pubertal weight gain and pudgy physical appearance   — how to raise happy children (2012))

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