Page 26 - ParentsWorld March 2020 flipbuilder
P. 26
nurturing 21st century children
Exciting careers in the
against the backdrop of a fast developing transnational itES gaming industry, there’s no
dearth of career opportunities as india establishes a reputation as the next gaming hub
A reach $196 billion (Rs.14.7 lakh crore) in annual revenues
by-product of the booming IT, ITEs (informa-
tion technology enabled services) and the BPO
by 2022.
(business process outsourcing) businesses, the
Currently, specialist divisions and subsidiaries of IT
gaming phenomenon, born out of the leisure
pursuits of IT geeks, has become a major global industry megaliths as well as garage start-ups are inventing con-
sole video, desktop, online, mobile and wireless games at
in its own right. Not only in the Us and Japan, but also in bewildering speed. In particular, the online gaming market
slow-coach India where only 41 percent of the country’s which allows contestants separated by vast oceans to play
population has Internet connectivity. mind games and match skills, is set to experience boom
A rising star of India’s entertainment sector, the an- conditions as access and broadband connectivity rates
nual revenue of the country’s nascent gaming industry is improve significantly. Against this backdrop of a fast-de-
estimated at $890 million (Rs.6,675 crore). According to veloping transnational gaming industry, there’s no dearth
the National Association of software and services Com- of career options as India’s reputation as the next gaming
panies (NASSCOM), the sales revenue of Indian gaming hub is growing by leaps and bounds.
companies is expected to rise to $1.1 billion (Rs.8,250 The process of digital games development generally
crore) by 2020. The global gaming industry is expected to involves three stages — the creative process (conceptualisa-
parentsworld • march 2019 26