Page 24 - ParentsWorld March 2020 flipbuilder
P. 24

nurturing 21st century children


                                The  joy & benefits of

                         lEARNING MUsIC

            While listening to music has palliative effects, encouraging children to learn to play a
             musical instrument not only reduces stress but enables their cognitive development

                                                  tanuja gomes

                ave you experienced how the stress and strains   cognitivE dEvELoPMEnt
                of a hard school/work day melt away when you   In multiple studies conducted, and reports published
         Hlisten to your favourite musical tracks? listening   around the world, it’s been clearly established that music
         to music has a calm and soothing effect on the body, slows   education greatly aids the cognitive development of chil-
         down heart and pulse rate, and lowers blood pressure and   dren. Children who learn music have higher IQs because
         stress hormone levels. While hearing music has palliative   music engages the left and right brain simultaneously.
         effects, encouraging children to learn to play a musical   A study conducted jointly by the University of Wiscon-
         instrument not only reduces stress but enables their   sin and University of California at Irvine in 1997 indicates
         cognitive development.                           that three-four-year-olds with eight months of music in-

         parentsworld • march 2020       24
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