Page 29 - ParentsWorld March 2020 flipbuilder
P. 29
Do it NOW!
Magic Box
cynthia John
his is a game that will help you
Tthink of numerous ways to to have some new ideas. It’s always
solve problems and get ideas from fun to read creative ways of solving
others to solve yours! problems.
• Decorate a cardboard box by
sticking gift paper around it. Take
15 sheets of paper or cards and Teacher Talk
place them into the box.
• Each person can pick up a few he classroom is a great place
of them, and write a problem on • Next each individual picks up a Tto build soft skills. Every
the top of each sheet. It could be paper and reflects on the problem class contains students with dif-
a problem for which they need mentioned. she should present fering skills, personalities and
solutions, or an imaginary problem. several creative ways to solve the qualitites. Bringing out the best
Then, ask them to fold the paper problem. Each person can write in each pupil is a challenge for
into four and drop it back into the their ideas on their paper, fold teachers.
box. it and put it back into the box. With planned activity, each
• When all the papers have been Participants are permitted to pick student can be encouraged to
dropped, close the box. and answer several problems. put her soft skills to better use.
The whole group can chant: • If a sheet has solutions, they can Try this:
‘A boxful of problems still add more of them. • Break the class into small
A boxful of problems When everyone has finished, you groups. Each group should be
Tishy-tashy-tishy-too can pick out the sheets and read given a task relating to classroom
A boxful of solutions it soon will the answers. Those who wanted management. One can main-
be!’ solutions for their problems are sure tain the bookshelves, another
should be asked to focus on class
decor, and another on helping
Day for OTHERs with attendance and collecting
• In all groups, every individual
Life Skills gets a turn to be group leader.
In education and business, well-de- They should be directed to plan
veloped life skills are a great asset, how they want to discharge their
and are highly valued. Here is a list group duty.
of highly valued life skills. • The teacher should keep
• Inter-personal communication a close watch on all groups,
skills encouraging teamwork and
• Negotiation skill cooperation.
• self-awareness • This exercise helps everyone
• Decision-making build their teamwork and leader-
• Co-operation and teamwork ship skills.
• Empathy (ability to listen and The class will also be doing
understand) something constructive for all,
• Critical thinking (analysis) and will experience a sentiment
• Anger management of unity as they work for the
• stress management betterment of their class. The
• Time management teacher also gets more helping
• Problem-solving hands.
parentsworld • march 2020 29