Page 32 - ParentsWorld March 2020 flipbuilder
P. 32
nurturing 21st century learners
health &
dr. gita Mathai
Importance of good
the gut i.e, gastrointestinal/digestive tract, plays an essential role in sustaining,
protecting and boosting the overall health and wellness of every human being.
a healthy gut builds a strong immune system, healthy heart and brain, ensures
effective digestion, good sleep and alleviates depression
or years in biology class, school children learnt abdominal obesity) and the micro flora (bacteria, viruses,
that there are 11 organ systems in the body fungi) living in the alimentary canal (commonly ‘gut’).
— the integumentary (skin), muscular, skeletal, the gastrointestinal system, aka gastrointestinal tract,
Fnervous, circulatory, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive system, digestive tract and gut, comprises
endocrine, urinary, reproductive and digestive. recently, a group of organs including the mouth, esophagus,
two more important organ systems have been added stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, small intestine,
which focus on the fat around the internal organs (intra- colon, and rectum. gut health is essential for sustaining,
parentsworld • march 2020 32