Page 33 - ParentsWorld March 2020 flipbuilder
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make digestion and absorption more efficient. that is
why even when two differing individuals eat the same
type and amount of food and expend the same amount
of energy, one may be obese and the other lean.
your gut iS uniquE
each person’s fingerprint is unique. in the same way,
each person’s intestinal bacteria are unique. this
is partly due to environmental reasons. intestinal
bacteria are greatly influenced by the frequency of
breastfeeding, the weaning process and later the family
diet and lifestyle. this is why some gut disorders ‘run in
there is also a strong association between intestinal
bacteria and insulin resistance. Some bacteria contribute
to obesity and later type 2 diabetes. Food is converted
by bacteria into fatty acids which lead to changes in
the lipid profile (cholesterol and triglycerides) and can
precipitate heart ailments and strokes.
protecting and ensuring the overall well-being and Some gut bacteria reduce inflammation, while others
wellness of the human body. it is vital for building a aggravate it. Overgrowth of bad organisms can cause
strong immune system, healthy heart and brain, effective iBS (irritable bowel syndrome), ulcerative colitis and
digestion, refreshing sleep and alleviating depression. crohn’s disease. the gut bacteria of people diagnosed
the small intestine of an adult human being is not with colon cancer is also distinctly different.
small at all. it is about 6 metres or 20 ft long and the the chemicals released by the gut micro flora can
large intestine 1.5 metres or 5 ft in length. this means enter the blood and travel to the brain. this can cause
there is plenty of room in them for microorganisms to anxiety and depression.
grow. it is also open at both ends so access is easy. that
is why there are 200-300 different types of bacteria living iMProving intEStinaL hEaLth
in all intestines. to this in-gut population, add numerous to maintain good digestive health, it’s advisable to
viruses and fungi. follow diets rich in whole grains, high fibre fruits and
every individual’s alimentary canal is colonised with vegetables. Food rich in refined sugar can kill good
these organisms while she is a foetus in her mother’s bacteria.
uterus. After birth, the growth of these organisms is Many people use artificial sweeteners to control
facilitated by the distinctive composition of mother’s diabetes, lose weight and reduce calories. But artificial
breast milk. these organisms feed on milk and release sweeteners could alter intestinal flora and prompt
amino acids, antioxidants and other anti-inflammatory obesity and insulin resistance.
chemicals. this is how breast milk protects newborns Probiotics promote the growth of good gut bacteria.
against gastrointestinal and viral infections. People attempt to populate their gut by regularly
infants born by caesarean operation are delivered in consuming sachets or capsules of probiotic supplements.
a artificial sterile environment. therefore the process But their proven value is doubtful. A better option is to
of colonisation of caesarian babies’ guts is slower. the consume 30 ml of homemade yoghurt first thing in the
diversity of the microflora is less and catches up with morning on an empty stomach.
children born by vaginal delivery after the age of two. exercise decreases inflammation-causing bacteria
if children are fed formula-milk and there is little or no and increases good bacteria. to be effective, endurance
breast milk intake, newborns take even longer to develop exercise (continuous aerobic activity) non-stop for 30-40
gut diversity. likewise prematurely delivered infants have minutes at least six days a week is recommended.
smaller, immature intestines, which are colonised slowly. Meanwhile scientists are working on developing
Moreover they are less likely to be exclusively breastfed. natural intestinal bacteria supplements to reduce
this contributes to lower immunity and higher morbidity the risk of lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, and to
in preterm infants. aid treatment of arthritis, depression, cancer and
inevitably organisms in the stomach of infants come neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s.
into contact with the food consumed by them. the
amount they ingest, the amino acids released and waste (dr. gita Mathai is a vellore-based paediatrician and author of
produced, contribute to their overall health. they can Staying healthy in Modern india)
parentsworld • march 2020 33