Page 38 - ParentsWorld March 2020 flipbuilder
P. 38

nurturing 21st century learners
                                             health &


                        3 simple exercises to relieve

                                    BACK PAIN

                                                MonoJit ghoSh

               ack pain is one of the most common health     killers and physiotherapy provide temporary relief,
               complaints of people with an estimated 540    the long-term solution is to incorporate regular
         Bmillion people worldwide reporting low back        exercises which build back strength, tighten the
         pain. Adults bound to desk jobs 9-5 slouching over   glutes (group of three muscles which make up the
         computers or driving long distances on two-wheelers   buttocks), and improve flexibility into your daily
         are more susceptible to back pain.                  routine.
           the key to prevention as with most lifestyle aches   here are three simple yet effective exercises to
         and pains is regular physical exercise. While pain   prevent and fight back pain.

                                                                                      corE StrEngth
                                                                                      1.  lie flat on your
                                                                                      2.  lift your legs,
                                                                                      and fold them
                                                                                      towards your chest.
                                                                                      3.  release slowly
                                                                                      until your legs touch
                                                                                      the ground.
                                                                                      4.  raise your legs
                                                                                      again and repeat.
                                                                                      5.  Start with 10
                                                                                      reps and gradually
                                                                                      increase to 20
                                                                                      6.  do three sets of
                                                                                      10-20 reps everyday.

                                                                                      Benefit: Builds
                                                                                      lower back core

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