Page 27 - ParentsWorld March 2020 flipbuilder
P. 27
Against the backdrop
of a fast-developing
transnational gaming
industry, there’s
no dearth of career
options as India’s
reputation as the next
gaming hub is growing
by leaps and bounds
tion and visualisation), production (graphics, animation, sis Institute of Design, Pune, and Aptech’s skill Builder
and programming), and finally, testing on a multiplicity of courses are also worth checking out. Certainly any trouble
platforms and media (video, desktop, mobile etc). Des- taken to check out career prospects in this sunrise industry
ignations in this sunrise industry range from lead artist, is worth the effort. A fresher programmer/designer starts
preproduction concept artist, modeller, texture artist, light- off with Rs.3 lakh-plus per annum which can rise to Rs.4-6
ing environment artist, creative writer and FX artist, game lakh within two years. salaries at the top are for the asking.
coder, level designer, technologist/programmer. “India’s gaming market is all set to explode. It has the
Graduates from the engineering, fine arts, science, and potential to become as big, exciting, and profitable as it is
commerce streams, are best qualified for this industry. For in China, Us, Japan, and Korea. With the emergence of
programming and game design, IT, engineering, and sci- MMOGs or massively multi-player online games — huge
ence graduates are generally preferred. In the graphics and game communities with lakhs of people playing simulta-
concepts divisions, a fine arts background is a prerequisite. neously — online gaming is all the rage,” claims Nimit
For porting and testing (the final stage of game develop- Panpalia, former head of advertising and sales at the
ment), individuals with engineering/technical backgrounds Mumbai-based Kreeda Games India Pvt. ltd, a start-
are most suitable. For sales and marketing, an MBA or any up venture (2006) of three maverick engineers with big
other degree will do, as long as you are passionate about dreams and now funded by IDG Ventures and softbank
online gaming. Bodhi Investment, two of the top venture capitalists in
The best institutes offering study and preparation pro- online gaming.
grammes in this field are: “The most crucial requirement for success in the gam-
sir JJ Institute of Applied Art, Mumbai, which offers a ing industry is single-minded passion for computer and
bachelor’s in fine and applied arts (BFA) with specialisation online gaming. Creating bestseller games is like making
in visualisation movies; it requires teamwork, actors, and a technical
National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad, offers a crew,” says Panpalia.
graduate diploma programme in design with specialisa- With its labour cost advantage, India has the poten-
tion in communication design and postgrad diploma tial to become a hub for outsourced work for the global
programmes in graphic design, new media design and gaming industry if it can provide trained professionals.
animation film design “Unfortunately there’s a tremendous dearth of game
The arts faculty of Ms University of Baroda, offers a testers, animators, content managers etc. Moreover, there’s
postgrad degree and diploma in graphic arts an urgent need to develop quality gaming syllabuses, cur-
Academy of Animation and Gaming (AAG), with riculums and diploma programmes by computer education
branches in Noida, Delhi, Bhopal and lucknow, offers institutes such as NIIT, Aptech, MAYA among others,”
bachelor’s, postgraduate and several short-term diploma says Panpalia.
courses in gaming Young people would be well-advised to check out this
Asian Institute of Gaming and Animation (AIGA), new rewarding and creatively satisfying career.
Bangalore, offers diploma courses ranging from eight-12
The digital 3D modelling and animation and digital (Excerpted from 101 Great Careers for the 21st Century by
interactive multimedia programmes of NIIT, symbio- Indra Gidwani, 2016)
parentsworld • march 2019 27