Page 25 - ParentsWorld March 2020 flipbuilder
P. 25

struction, including singing and keyboard lessons, averaged   musicians. Music focus primes and prepares the human
         43 percent more in IQ tests than children who weren’t   brain for heightened emotional arousal and concentration.
         signed up for music lessons. similarly, a Massachusetts In-  Moreover playing a musical instrument triggers the release
         stitute of Technology study reveals that the cerebral cortex   of dopamine — the ‘happy’ hormone which also controls
         of concert pianists is 30 percent larger than of acknowl-  body movement, memory, and focus.
         edged intellectuals without music education.        “Music probably does something unique,” says neu-
           likewise, a research study conducted by susan Hallam   ropsychologist Catherine loveday of the University of
         in 2010 at the Institute of Education, University of lon-  Westminster. “It stimulates the brain in a very powerful
         don, concluded that students with formal music education   way because of our emotional connection with it.”
         tend to record higher academic scores in primary, middle   Music learning changes brain structure and function for
         and high school years.                           good. Unlike any other brain stimulating puzzle or game,
                                                          playing a musical instrument improves coordination and
         anXiEty rEduction                                integration of the visual and tactical senses and motor
         Playing a musical instrument or singing a tune or even mere   movements. “Music reaches parts of the brain that other
         listening to music helps to reduce anxiety and depression   things can’t. It is a strong cognitive stimulus that grows the
         in children and adults. A 2019 research study conducted   brain in a way that nothing else does, and enhances things
         by Florida National University found that students who   like working memory and language skills,” adds loveday.
         studied while listening to ambient music reported reduction
         in stress and anxiety and improved concentration and brain   inStiLS diSciPLinE
         function. some common types of ambient music include   Dedicated learning and practice of music instils discipline
         orchestra and recorded sounds of waterfalls, birds, rain.  and simultaneously develops children’s motor skills and
                                                          hand-eye coordination.
         iMProvEd concEntration                              I strong recommend you enroll your child in a music
         Numerous research studies have highlighted that violin-  class in school or after school. The joy of learning music is
         ists, saxophonists, keyboardists and other instrumentalists   a life-changing experience.
         tend to have better concentration skills and and tend to be   (tanjua gomes is co-founder and co-cEo of the Mumbai-based
         less aggressive, depressed and more equable than non-  furtados School of Music)

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