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                                 Evolution of legal education

                                 in India

                rom Mahatma Gandhi to     culture, a Global Library and Legal   jurisdictional. JGLS has played a
                Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and   Resource Centre, participation in   significant role here. It is through the
                Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, many of   conferences, seminars, and public   contribution of academicians like Prof.
         Fthe nation’s leaders pursued    lectures, international student   Raj Kumar who took legal education
         law overseas. Historically, most legal   exchange programmes and summer   from the domestic setting to make it
         education for Indians happened outside   schools at the world’s top universities,   truly international. In its true sense,
         India. At the time of independence, the   national and international placement   JGLS is not just an Indian law school,
         government’s investment in higher   opportunities, and importantly, a   but an international law school.
         education was oriented towards   multidisciplinary backdrop. This   The multidisciplinary advantage
         setting up institutions of agriculture,   improving quality and standard of   A major shortcoming of many
         medicine, and engineering. Good legal   higher education brought private   traditional style law schools and
         education institutions were few and   universities like JGU, Symbiosis,   universities in India has been their
         far. The field neither received much   Nirma University, Christ University or   single-faculty orientation. A holistic
         priority nor garnered much interest.  Bennett University to the foreground   legal education seems to be rare. Law
         It was only after the first five-year   of legal education in India.   is in its very nature a multidisciplinary
         law programme was introduced by    The explosion of new areas of legal   subject. Universities like JGU have
         National Law School, Bangalore in   practice sorely needed new kinds of   a significant advantage by being
         1987 that the legal education scenario   professionals and educators with an   multidisciplinary. Law students can
         started to change. Come 1991 and   updated perspective to come into the   explore an array of courses across
         the New Economic Policy boosting   picture. JGLS has roped in 328 faculty   schools on international relations,
         liberalisation and globalisation, the   members from over 21 nationalities,   business, liberal arts, journalism and
         study and practice of law started to   with specialised experience and   more—which tremendously enrich
         catch the country’s attention. The   research expertise. Programmes at   their learning experience. A good
         corporate sector opened up, making   JGLS include a three-year B.A. (Hons.)   multidisciplinary education has the
         way for many new legal roles. After the   in Legal Studies, a five-year B.A. LL.B.   effect of bringing out the best in a
         year 2000 and the budding of private   (Hons.) and BBA LL.B. (Hons.), a   student. Students have the opportunity
         universities in the country, private law   three-year LL.B. programme and a   to discover more. Their learnings
         schools gained prominence.       one-year LL.M. programme.        transcend disciplines. Their journey
         Emergence of private law colleges  Boom of legal professions      carries them over into new and exciting
           In 2009, Jindal Global Law School   From the narrow framework of   adventures—and they are prepared for
         was set up as the first school of O.P.   courtroom practice, limited judicial   it. They gain giving an unparalleled
         Jindal Global University in Sonipat,   positions and legal roles, the range   edge over their peers who might study
         Haryana—a private, not-for-profit   of legal professions has been on a   law in isolation.
         philanthropic initiative. It was the   steady rise. There is the popular   Future of legal roles
         idea and endeavor of lawyer and   pick of corporate law, in all its glory.   The future of law and legal education
         academician, Professor (Dr.) C. Raj   Transactional law, taxation law,   looks bright. With each passing year
         Kumar, and the philanthropic effort   competition law, consumer law, cyber   and more development in the society
         of industrialist and Chancellor, Mr.   law, and newer fields like sports law,   and economy, the role of lawyers, which
         Naveen Jindal, to establish a world-  aviation law, or maritime law have   has already come to the center-stage,
         class university in India.       developed as niche areas. Until the turn   will become even more critical. Every
           JGLS was a significant departure   of the 21st century, there were merely   business decision, every economic
         from the traditional legal education   four or five law firms dealing with   decision in the country, every step in
         system in the country. It aimed to   intellectual property rights. Today,   politics or society, will all require legal
         put an Indian law school in the global   there are over 200 dedicated firms.   vetting. Lawyers have already assumed
         league. Today, just 11 years later, it is   In the modern world, law is no   important roles, and this is only going
         indeed living up to the expectations.   longer a domestic study. Law is a   to expand.
         What made this possible? World-  global study, a global practice and a
         class faculty, academic freedom, a   global profession. Good law schools    Professor Arjya B. Majumdar
         philanthropic approach, a global   are shifting gears to nurture lawyers   Director- Admissions & Outreach,
         curriculum, a vibrant mooting    who are highly trained to be multi-          O.P. Jindal Global University

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