Page 4 - Relationships101 A Guide To Building Healthy Relationships Final 1
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Chapter One ~ Know What Ails You.
Are you trying to make the most out of life, but it seems like people’s toxic behavior is getting in the
way? Is toxic behavior stopping you from establishing the type of relationships you want to have? Do
people smile with you but talk negatively about you behind your back? Is there emptiness in your heart
because you love someone deeply, but you just cannot seem to connect and get along with them? Do
you argue a lot with people you love and want to communicate better? Perhaps you have a fear of losing
them and this causes you anxiety. And you find yourself doing things you think will resolve the
problem(s) but the relationship just does not get better. Sometimes, it gets worse.
Or maybe you have dysfunctional family members who instead of supporting you in your struggle, put
you down, laugh at you, talk about you negatively, or try to use you to get their needs met, give nothing
in return, or give you no respect.
You are not alone!
People around you experience similar issues every day. It is typical for a co-worker, church member, or
people in line with you at the supermarket to experience never-ending cycles of dysfunctional, negative
patterns in their relationships with their families, friends, and significant others. They may not express
it, but they, like me, probably wish their relationships were more positive and supportive. It would
make it much easier for them to achieve their goals and live a peaceful life.
Healthy relationships require healthy people who can resolve complex psychological and emotional
issues with minimal conflict or collateral damage. That requires learning, understanding, and practice.
Simple matters become stressful, chaotic, and frustrating when people are not opened minded and
willing to resolve issues healthily. Even when we don’t know how. We can all learn what we do not
know. But one must be willing and open to learn.
Being willing and open is extremely important in any relationship. Not only intimate bonds but family
bonds, friendship ties, and business because issues that are not addressed, in any type of relationship,
fester under the surface like an ulcerated sore and produces toxicity in the body. The same thing is true
in a relationship where unresolved issues exist. Issues do not go away because you ignore them. They
fester beneath the surface of the relationship and produce toxic behavior that causes triggers and other
negative, subconscious behavior that kills love and undermines relationships.
Toxic behavior produces extreme emotional, psychological, and in some cases, physical abuse, and pain.
The pain can go on for years when you do not know how to identify the root of the issue that is causing
it and resolve it in a healthy manner.