Page 6 - Relationships101 A Guide To Building Healthy Relationships Final 1
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navigate as a child would have caused other human souls to resort to finding a door of escape that led to
poor, self-destructive choices, like drugs, alcohol abuse and emotional and psychological abuse of
myself and others. I am happy to so that is not the case because of the choices I instinctively made when
I did not even understand what was at stake. And there is a lot at stake where toxic behavior is involved.
But not only did I survive while groping in the dark. I am thriving. I am still growing and developing
into the fullness of mental and emotional health that life has to offer. And I want to help you turn the
light on in your darkness if you will allow me to. This book will help illuminate dark areas you may not
be able to see that may have you entangled in a dysfunctional, toxic web of behavior and free you to
build healthy relationships.
This guide reveals behaviors that sabotage relationships of all kinds and explains why allowing toxic
behavior will undermine your psychological and emotional stability. The information contained in this
book will give you understanding and insight into the well-meaning things people do in relationships
that threaten their wellbeing, that perhaps you have never thought about before.
The information in this book has been tested in conferences and it helped people instantly transform
themselves and their relationships. While there are numerous relationship issues addressed in this book,
your situation may not be exactly suited to the examples illustrated here. However, there is a wealth of
information in this guide for you to use in your relationships. You should adjust your use of the
information and recommendations as you see fit. You can also email the author and request a
consultation at:
Are you ready to start the journey?
Forget about the way you have handled people from this moment on. If you are still affected by negative
cycles, those methods did not work! Commit to a fresh start and begin your new journey right here, right
now. How you respond to negative patterns can change those patterns to positive. Whatever your story
is, you can identify toxic, negative cycles and patterns that others repeatedly live in and set new
boundaries that protect your wellbeing and build the type of life and relationships you want. Regardless
of how dysfunctional and toxic people around you are. This guide gives you the insight needed to help
you begin your new journey.
Understand that this is my perspective. It worked for me when I was trapped in toxic cycles, and it
keeps me from getting involved in toxic entanglements now. Hopefully, it will help you examine the
condition of your relationships and be able to address them accordingly. As with a financial investment,
a relationship is an investment of your time and energy. Life is short and you only get one. And there
only room for one person in your coffin. You expect a positive return with a financial investment, when
you invest your time and energy in people, expect a positive return as an outcome for anything you
engage in with them. Especially communication and resolving issues. Anything less is
counterproductive. And will not produce anything positive in your life.