Page 5 - Relationships101 A Guide To Building Healthy Relationships Final 1
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Not knowing what healthy resolution entails also causes one to unknowingly be drawn into the negative
patterns while simultaneously thinking what we are doing is helpful or healthy. By continuing to engage
with people who are unaware of their toxicity, the chances are greater that they may be in denial and are
projecting on you because they are not ready to have their issues exposed or they have convinced
themselves that you are the problem. They are not open-minded and willing to discuss the problem to
get to its root.
Until a person is open-minded and willing to learn if their behavior is toxic, it is a waste of time and can
be a danger to your peace of mind and wellbeing to continue to engage with them.
What Is Your Story?
Perhaps your story may be different. But regardless of your story, the truth is, toxic, dysfunctional
behavior cycles produce the same outcome: PSYCHOLOGICAL AND EMOTIONAL PAIN that
damages your psyche and emotions and robs you of the ability to create rich, meaningful experiences in
your life with others.
We dismiss one another’s pain when we can’t see it. A broken limb can be seen, but a broken heart is
invisible. You have to know how to protect yourself from the toxic things people cannot see they are
doing to you. Protecting yourself or owning your toxic behavior requires a keen sense of self
awareness. However, people unknowingly, willingly participate in these negative cycles repeatedly.
Decade after decade, not realizing how much the toxic, negative patterns are keeping them from
creating, or making it difficult for them to create, emotional stability or fruitful, productive experiences
in their life.
Well, today is a new day! Relationships 101: A Guide To Building Healthy Relationships will teach you
the fundamental skills required to build healthy relationships.
Use this information as you see fit, and at your discretion.
While I do not purport that I have all the answers to relationship challenges. There is one thing I know.
The information presented in this book helped identify toxic behavior in myself and kept me from
becoming entangled in the invisible toxic webs of unhealthy people. Period. Why is that important you
ask? It is important because being unaware of the information in this book can severely undermine your
ability to make healthy choices in unhealthy situations. Especially if you do not know how to recognize
when you are in an unhealthy dynamic. Being in an unhealthy dynamic is not necessarily dangerous to
your well-being. However, not being aware of how to evaluate it and choose options that protect your
wellbeing is very dangerous.
As I look back, I recognize that my life would have played out differently had I not made the right
choices starting as a child while growing up in an unhealthy family dynamic. The environment I had to