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                        Emotional intelligence helps workers to mitigate safety

                                 and health risks. How can OSH nurture it?

                                                           WORDS ANNA SCOTT

                                 lmost 35 years ago, in what is now a widely   Dr Scott Geller, behavioural psychologist and director of
                                 known experiment, Stanford University   the Center for Applied Behavior Systems at Virginia Tech in
                                 professor Walter Mischel gave four-year-  the US, tells this story to illustrate that EQ is ‘likely the most
                                 olds a ‘marshmallow test’ to assess their   important psychological capability for effectively promoting

                                 impulse control. The children were given   and supporting occupational safety and health’.
                                 a marshmallow and told they could eat it   Scott continues: ‘Doing this for safety – from using
                                 now or wait and receive two later (Mischel   personal protective equipment to completing behavioural
                                 et al, 1989). Some children ate a single   and environmental audits – is tantamount to asking

                                 marshmallow within a few seconds. Others   someone to delay immediate gratification for the possibility
                     A were able to wait 15 minutes until the       of receiving larger reward (preventing serious injury).’ 
                     researcher returned with a second marshmallow.   But unlike promised marshmallows, serious injury is
                       Many children who delayed their immediate gratifi cation   an uncertain, negative consequence (Geller, 2023). ‘All of
                     did not just sit patiently and wait. ‘Instead, they engaged in   this makes OSH promotion particularly challenging, and
                     behaviours that apparently facilitated their self-discipline or   illustrates the critical need for safety leaders to nurture
                     EQ (emotional intelligence quotient) to resist their impulse   intrapersonal and interpersonal EQ within themselves and
                     for immediate pleasure. Some sang or talked to themselves;   among others,’ he says.
                     others played games with their hands and feet; and others   Emotional intelligence broadly refers to a set of traits,
                     covered their eyes or buried their head in their arms.’  skills and abilities that relate to how well people perceive,


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