Page 30 - IOSH JanFeb24_Full LR
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                              Ruth                  WILL CONTINUE TO FOCUS ON PSYCHOLOGICAL
                              CMIOSH                       HEALTH AND SAFETY, A THREAD THAT
                              Head of policy, IOSH       RUNS THROUGH ALL ASPECTS OF WORK
                              New digital
                              technologies will
               continue to transform the workplace.
               There’ll be no let-up in the speed of this        Stuart                             Kate Field
               innovation, particularly the use of artifi cial    Hughes                             CMIOSH
               intelligence. Our collective challenge will       CMIOSH                             Global head of
               be to combine game-changing levels of             IOSH president                     health, safety
               performance, productivity and skills              and head of                        and wellbeing
               for the future with continued protection          health and safety,                 at the British
               of and improvements to workers’ safety   Mercedes-AMG Petronas        Standards Institute
               and wellbeing.                     Making predictions can be a fool’s   I’m really excited for the profession as we
                 The emerging focus on the way    errand, so I’ve reframed this in terms   begin 2024. Four years ago, we picked up
               businesses operate as much as the profi ts   of intentions and hopes. From an IOSH   the way we worked and dumped it on our
               they return will become sharper still.   perspective, I intend to use my term as   kitchen table.
               Stakeholder demand for non-fi nancial   president to focus on recognising the       The gear change for corporate culture as a
               reporting, with evidence and measures   fantastic work our volunteers undertake   result of the pandemic provided recognition

               of social sustainability, action on climate   for the benefit of all our members, to push   that we really do need to look after our
               and protecting workers’ health, as well as   IOSH back to the forefront of research,   people, we need to be authentic about it, and
               establishing responsible supply chains, will   to provide our profession with helpful   we need to think differently. The world has

               be key to trade and investment decisions.   instruments of practice and enhance the   changed, and technology is supporting that.
                 When it comes to occupational ill health,   value of our profession for both business   Organisations will go through a process of
               the emphasis will remain on prevention   and society.                 really starting to rethink the way they work
               rather than cure. Added to the clear   From a professional standpoint, it’s   and operate.
               impact of disease on mortality, morbidity   about hope. I’m hopeful we will see an   For me, the next 12 months and beyond
               and disability, organisations operating in   increased focus on health, as it’s the   will continue to focus on psychological
               increasingly competitive environments will   foundation of every other element of   health and safety, a thread that runs through
               become even more aware of its infl uence   life. Technology will continue to march   all aspects of work. We’ve still got a huge
               on workers’ quality of life and the return on   forward at pace and I’m hopeful that, as a   journey ahead of us – we've turned a corner
               investment that prevention can bring for   profession, we will emphasise the ethical   but we’ve got a long way to go.
               workers, business and society.     implementation of new technologies to   The focus on society and people in the
                 The International Labour Organization’s   benefit worker protection. 2024 marks   ESG [environmental, social and governance]

               2022 adoption of a safe and healthy work   50 years of both the GB Health and Safety   agenda will continue its momentum
               environment as a fundamental principle and   Executive and the Health and Safety   in terms of a real focus on people and
               right will continue to embed OSH as a vital   at Work Act, so I’m hopeful that these   occupational health and safety and
               aspect of our lives and not just an optional   milestones will bring focused attention   psychological health and safety.
               extra. Its momentum will further drive us to   to the need to provide workers with a   I think  2024 will be the year of the ‘S’
               achieve a more inclusive workforce.  healthy and safe working environment.   in ESG.’
                                                  It will challenge the profession to reduce
                                                  further the numbers of people who suff er
                                                  debilitating ill health, life-changing
                                                  injuries or ultimately lose their life.


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