Page 25 - IOSH JanFeb24_Full LR
P. 25
CNew IOSH president Stuart Hughes, who is
also head of health and safety at Mercedes-
AMG Petronas Formula One Team
confidence for competence, certainty for of society, will underpin the vital work
credibility and quantity for quality’. The that lies ahead over the next 12 months:
answer, he said, was not to dominate the delivering the ambition of a safe and
discussion but to elevate it. healthy world of work, achieving the
‘Do we want to be custodians of the strategic objectives of Activate 2028 and
past or stewards of the future? It is my meeting IOSH’s charitable objects.
hope that over the next 12 months we as a
collective move the understanding of our
profession in the eyes of society, elevating
human right’. It is this that has driven him the discussion.’
to step up to the IOSH presidency. Stuart praised Lawrence for ‘doing
‘For me, this whole endeavour is about a fantastic job of steadying the ship’
our members, our profession, and our and referenced US President Theodore
impact on society. It’s about changing the Roosevelt, who said that ‘a house divided
perception of the profession in the hearts against itself cannot stand’.
and minds of the public, business and the ‘It is my intention to continue to build
global workforce.’ an effective relationship between our
He asked how OSH could reduce the members, Council, board of trustees and
‘babble effect’ – the hypothesis that the senior leadership team,’ Stuart said.
people who talk most are more likely He noted that collaboration, not only
CCEO Vanessa Harwood-Whitcher
to be listened to – and ‘stop mistaking within IOSH but at the highest levels and immediate past president Lawrence Webb
Our annual salary survey will provide
insights into pay rates and qualifications and
create a fascinating picture of the state of
the OSH jobs market.
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