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IOSH and BCSP – how they compare


                Timeframes                   Support                  Focus                       The ideal system
                ‘Achieving CMIOSH status took   ‘There was slightly more   ‘The CMIOSH portfolio process   ‘Both the IOSH and
                me longer than a year to gather   support with the IOSH   allowed me to choose the   CSP processes have
                all the evidence for my portfolio   process. People were   areas I focused on and, more   their strengths. I like the
                and then put my CV together   always available via email,   importantly, demonstrate how   technical knowledge
                and prepare for the interview.   and with IOSH it’s easy to   I had made improvements.   side of the CSP system
                The certifi cation process for   network with people who   The focus was very much   that can be applied to
                CSP took six months to study   might be going through   on me as an individual.   the workplace, although
                all the modules and pass the   the same process.        ‘With the CSP there was no   it is perhaps in more
                examination,’ says Claire.     ‘With CSP certifi cation   choice. It’s fair to say the CSP is   depth than required for
                 ‘However, the time you need   there are also online   more technically focused with   many OSH professionals.
                to complete each process     forums and networks, and   a syllabus that includes things   Nevertheless, it is useful
                relates to where you are in   any time I had questions   like risk management, risk   information to obtain. With
                your career. In the case of   for the BCSP I would    assessment, driving for work,   the IOSH process, I like
                CSP certifi cation, especially,   get a prompt response.   fi re safety, chemical safety   the way that it allows you
                if you have experience and   But the support felt     and even maths and statistical   to take the time to gather
                knowledge, you might not     perhaps just a little more   analysis. Those last two topics   a portfolio and really

                need to spend so long studying   academic, technical   were extremely different from   demonstrate your skills
                and preparing.’              and remote.’             the IOSH process.’          and knowledge.’

               culture,’ says Claire. Like many British                              They enhance the breadth and depth of
               people, she previously had a view of the   BOTH THE IOSH AND          knowledge and skills, and both also help
               US as a litigation-heavy culture, but in   CSP PROCESSES TAKE         you to step back and re-evaluate what’s
               fact she hasn’t personally come across                                important – as safety professionals it’s
                                                   YOU TO A HIGHER LEVEL
               any employee suing an employer for an                                 all too easy to get bogged down in the
               accident in the workplace.                                            day-to-day.
                 ‘There are other important things that   AND SHOW YOUR                ‘Both certifications have a code of
               the CSP helped me to understand. In the   SERIOUSNESS ABOUT           conduct that you must continue to adhere
               UK, the number one cause of work-related                              to, and both require you to show you are
                                                         YOUR CAREER
               deaths is falls from height; in the US it’s                           doing ethics training regularly and are
               driving for work and road accidents. And                              continuing to improve your skills every
               the number of hours that people work                                  year. This really helps to ensure you don’t
               in the US shocked me. This would not be   OSH, Claire says. ‘In both countries there   rest on your laurels once you’ve achieved
               allowed in the UK because of working-time   is a drive and a positivity to improve   certification.
               directives. To my UK mind, the longer that   health and safety, regardless of cultural   ‘That sends a really good message that
               people are working, the more likely they   or regulatory differences. The will is   becoming a Chartered Member of IOSH
               will be fatigued and have accidents.’  there, which is very encouraging for   or a CSP is not just about attaining a piece
                                                  OSH professionals,’ she explains.  of paper.’
               More than a piece of paper           ‘Both the IOSH and CSP processes
               But there are far more similarities than   take you to a higher level and show   For more information about CPD
               disparities when it comes to transatlantic   your seriousness about your career.   with IOSH, see page 42.


         20-22 Opinion Claire Wells_Jan-Feb 2024_IOSH.indd   22                                                    12/12/2023   09:43
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