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The wider



                                                                             BUILDING A CULTURE OF SAFETY
                                                                             WITH TECHNOLOGY

                                                                             IOSH magazine recently hosted a one-hour webinar
                                                                             in partnership with Intelex, looking at the evolution
                EPISODE 25: LEADING SAFELY                                   of safety culture and how technology can overcome
                WITH INTENT                                                  programme challenges. We explored who the
                                                                             ‘next-generation worker’ is and how mobile will be
                                                                             instrumental in gaining their engagement; looked at
                What is it, how does it work and how
                                                                             the proven success of mobile applications that keep the
                can it benefit your organisation? Two

                                                                             work environment safe and more compliant; and heard a
                IOSH Future Leaders explain all in the
                                                                             practitioner’s view on how they began
                latest episode of the IOSH podcast.
                                        their mobile journey.
                                                                             Watch all of IOSH
                IOSH PODCAST HEADS                                           magazine’s webinars
                TO WORLD CONGRESS                                            and earn CPD points      25,000+
                                                  LATEST INTERVIEWEES
                The first three in a series of 12                             webinars                      viewed our

                exclusive interviews with IOSH                                                             webinars in
                                                  DR SUSAN PETERS
                magazine, recorded at the 23rd                               ON DEMAND: UNLOCKING             2023
                                                  Research scientist, Harvard
                World Congress on Safety and                                 THE POWER OF OSH DATA
                                                  University School of
                Health at Work in Sydney, Australia,   Public Health         WITH VISUAL AI
                are available to listen to now. Hear
                about a major research project in   DR ANDREAS FLOURIS       We recently ran a webinar in partnership with
                Qatar on the construction workers   Director, FAME Lab,      SparkCognition, which demystified visual AI to off er

                building stadiums for the 2022    University of Thessaly, Greece  practical examples and insights into how industry
                World Cup, find out about Harvard

                                                                             leaders are redefining their OSH best practices.

                University’s Thriving workers,    SAMANTHA CONNELL           If you missed the live event, watch on demand now.
                thriving workplaces study, and delve   President-elect,
                into the challenges and approaches   International Occupational
                to occupational health through the   Hygiene Association
                lens of globalisation.                                       FORTHCOMING WEBINARS
                                                      Catch up at
                  We’ll be releasing the remaining
                episodes in the first half of 2024   podcast or search for IOSH on   We have got a fantastic line-up of webinars planned for

                – subscribe to the IOSH podcast to   your podcast platform and add   2024. Themes include respiratory health and vibration
                                                  it to your playlist.
                ensure you don’t miss out.                                   safety, so look out for promotional emails and be sure to
                                           ‘save your seat’.


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