Page 17 - IOSH JanFeb24_Full LR
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               BROKEN ISOLATOR               before the repair work started and it             TREE REMOVAL
                                             was inadvertently switched on. 
               SWITCH COSTS                    Grzegorz became trapped between   AROUND THE GLOBE  COMPANY FINED
               FIRM £260K AFTER              a conveyor and a metal bridge           RECORD A$2.25M
                                             and sustained severe injuries. He
               CRUSH INJURIES                required 23 screws and two plates       A tree management company has been
                                             inside his body and has not been able

                                                                                     fined more than A$2m after a worker was
                                             to return to work since.                killed while hand-feeding a faulty
               A London waste firm was recently                                       woodchipper in Sydney.

               taken to court after a worker was   The investigation                   Samuela Cirivakayawa was
               thrown onto a conveyor, trapped   The isolator switch had been broken   working for A1 Arbor Tree
               against a metal bridge and crushed.   and was therefore inoperative.   Services at a school site in

                                             The company also had no formal          Lindfield in September 2019,
                                                                                     hand-feeding branches into
               The incident                  maintenance arrangements for
                                                                                     the woodchipper.
               Cappagh Public Works employed   the machinery.
                                                                                       The worker was drawn into the in-feed
               maintenance worker Grzegorz
                                                                                     hopper, which had been designed to be fed
               Poreba, 48, to repair the mesh   Sentencing
                                                                                     with a mechanical log loader and never by
               of a hopper, which formed part   Cappagh Public Works pleaded
                                                                                     hand, and into the internal disc drum.
               of a waste-sorting machine, in   guilty to breaching section 2(1) of the   The court was told A1 Arbor Tree Services
               Wimbledon, south London. But the   Health and Safety at Work Act and   did not complete a risk assessment of the

               company failed to provide a suitable   was fined £260,000 and ordered to   equipment, which also had known defects.
               means to isolate the machinery   pay £4358 in prosecution costs.        The judge concluded that the company
                                                                                     had failed to provide adequate information,
                                                                                     training or instruction to workers in relation
                   The fine imposed should underline to                               to safe operation of the woodchipper.

                    everyone in the waste industry that
                  the courts, and the HSE, take a failure                                      DIRECTOR FINED
                    to ensure that maintenance work is                                         AND WORKER
                   completed safely extremely seriously
                                                                                     JAILED FOR FATAL
                                                                                     SAFETY LAPSES

                                                                                     In Singapore, a concrete
                                                                                     manufacturer and its director

                                                                                     have been fined S$200,000
                                                                                     and S$125,000, and a worker
                                                                                     jailed for two months after a
                                                                                     construction worker died when he
                                                                                     was struck by a wheel loader.
                                                                                       In June 2021, Durairaj Ramesh, a
                                                                                     wheel loader operator, struck and killed
                                                                                     Subramaniyan Thiraviam, who was taking
                                                                                     photographs to stocktake construction
                                                                                     aggregates. Ramesh had not checked
                                                                                     cameras or mirrors while reversing.
                                                                                       Ramesh pleaded guilty under section
                                                                                     15(3A) of the Workplace Safety and Health
                                                                                     Act, for failing to keep a proper lookout.

                                                                                                             IOSH MAGAZINE  17

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