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Promoting the safe and effective                       PAL Card now available
                                                                                                on IPAF’s ePAL app
                                         use of powered access worldwide              

                   Certified IPAF PAL Card is proof                                        Annually reviewed by the
                   of platform operator training to                                       industry to ensure relevant
                   the highest standard.                                                  and up to date content

                 Available as eLearning or                                                       Complies with
                 instructor-led course                                                           legal requirements

                 Regularly audited to ensure the                                                 Focus on safety
                 highest standard of training is                                                 & efficiency

                      Online verification of PAL Cards:                                    40  years of
                                                           industry experience

                    Smart technology &                  Comprehensive range                  Reassurance: A valid PAL Card
                    fraud protected                     of training courses                  proves the holder has passed
                                                                                             an approved and audited IPAF
                    Courses available in                Used by manufacturers of             theory and practical test within
                    multiple languages                  equipment worldwide                  the past five years

                    Optimal instructor-to-              Operator theory module can be
                    candidate ratio                     taken remotely via eLearning

                 Safe.        Audited.       Internationally recognised.

              The IPAF Powered Access Licence or PAL Card is recognised worldwide across
              industries as proof of platform operator training to the highest standard. It
              is issued by the International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) to platform
              operators who successfully complete a training course and pass a test at
              an IPAF-approved training centre. Ask for the PAL Card as proof of operator
              training! Now available digitally on the ePAL app.

              Find your nearest IPAF approved training centre at

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