Page 24 - IOSH JanFeb24_Full LR
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PASSING                                                 IOSH strategy work in South Africa and
                                                                                     West Africa, Japan, Cameroon, Korea,
                                                                                     Gibraltar, Malaysia, Singapore and
                                                                                     Finland; they also worked with the Future
                         THE BATON                                                   Leaders Steering Group, and promoted the
                                                                                     Activate 2028 campaign; and participated
                                                                                     in awards judging.
                                                                                       Much of this was communicated to the
                                                                                     IOSH membership and further afield via
                                                                                     social media, but Lawrence emphasised
                           Lawrence Webb CFIOSH hands over to                        that not all those posts were about him.
                                                                                     ‘It was really important to me that people
                          Stuart Hughes CMIOSH, who hopes to
                                                                                     saw what it was that the presidential team,
                       change the perception of health and safety.                   Council and also IOSH as an organisation
                                                                                     were doing for members and volunteers, in
                                        WORDS JOANNE PERRY                           particular, but for the world of work across
                                                                                     the globe,’ he said.
                                                                                       ‘Putting all of those different messages
                                                                                     and videos out was always part of the plan,
                 CA select audience witnessed the                                    and it’s great to see that Stuart’s doing the
               ceremonial handover from Lawrence
               (far right) to Stuart (far left)                                      same. It’s really important that people can
                                                                                     see the impact and influence that we can
                                                                                     and do have.’
                                                                                       He talked about ‘making the most
                                                                                     of our profession’s place this side of
                                                                                     the pandemic’, with a safe and healthy
                                                                                     working environment now acknowledged
                                                                                     by the International Labour Organization
                                                                                     as a fundamental principle and right.
                                                                                     For Lawrence himself, it had also been
                                                                                     important to champion themes close
                                                                                     to his heart, including supporting
                                                                                     neurodiversity and the next generation of
                                                                                     OSH professionals.
                                                                                       From his position as group SHE
                                                  Lawrence said. He acknowledged that   director at Costain, Lawrence has moved
                                                  it had been a busy year, with many   on to become chief safety officer at the
                      the passing of the IOSH     new projects launched, and that it was   UK government’s Defence Science and
                      presidency from Lawrence    definitely the right moment ‘for someone   Technology Laboratory – and is now IOSH
                      Webb CFIOSH to Stuart       else to take up the mantle’.       immediate past president.
               THughes CMIOSH was marked            He thanked the presidential team   Stuart, who officially became president
               by a ceremony at the University of   for their hard work during his tenure,   at the IOSH AGM in mid-November, is
               Westminster in late November. IOSH   supporting a raft of activities, including   also head of health and safety at Mercedes-
               CEO Vanessa Harwood-Whitcher thanked   76 branch and sector group events, 75%   AMG Petronas Formula One Team. Taking
               Lawrence for his leadership over the year,   of branch AGMs, six expos and other   the floor, he described himself as ‘a fallible
               saying he had ‘worked tirelessly’ and been   live events, numerous media interviews   human, capable of errors and mistakes’ as
               ‘an authentic voice of our membership’.  and podcasts, as well as 17 webinars on   well as ‘vulnerable, with a mix of emotions,
                 ‘A week is a long time in politics, but   topics as diverse as Blueprint, student   doubt and excitement’. But, he said, he   PHOTOGRAPHY: ANDY ANDREWS
               a year as IOSH president and chair of   employability and neurodiversity. On top   has ‘a simple belief: that a healthy and
               Council is absolutely no time at all,’   of that, Lawrence and team supported   safe work environment is a fundamental

             24  JANUARY/FEBRUARY  2024  |  IOSHMAGAZINE.COM

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