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and healthy work behaviours among their   THE CHALLENGE IS NOT         management, with the support of the OSH
               changing workforces. How are leaders in                                professional. The post-lockdown focus
                                                    ONLY ONE OF BUILDING
               these businesses meeting the challenge?                                involves realigning; resetting our
                                                       AN OSH CULTURE                 fundamental initiatives. This creates an
                            Martin Bardle is the                                      opportunity to change the conversation
                            global director for         FROM SCRATCH,                 through the “why” and “sense of purpose” of
                            employee health and                                       health & safety, including the simplifi cation
                                                     BUT MAINTAINING IT
                            safety, corporate                                         and digitalisation of our tools/methods. We
                            security and quality                                      will use this to drive towards a true culture
                            compliance at Reckitt       WHEN IT EXISTS                of care.
               ‘Positive engaged leadership demonstrates                                'We are calling it a reset – it's not back to
               an embedded culture of care led by the            Malcolm Staves is    basics exactly, but rather resetting our tools
               Reckitt global executive committee, and           global VP for health   and methods, and getting us back on the rails,
               its teams continue to lead from the front,        and safety           where needed. We're still improving and I
               completing a programme focused on leading         at L’Oréal           believe the reason for this is that our culture
               sustainable performance.                          ‘During COVID,       and risk management culture is very strong.
                 ‘We focus on key areas of risk, developing      everybody put their focus   This gives us a foundation that allows
               our management systems in line with   on protecting the health of their people. We   for deviations.
               our OSH policy, global standards, code of   saw remote working and then the associated   'In today’s world, it’s important to
               business conduct and location-specifi c   challenges around mental health as well.   prioritise. Rather than focusing on the
               guidance. There are thousands of hazards   'Coming out of COVID, there has been a   little things, we're saying we need the
               associated with global operations, so it is   raised awareness of the importance of health   important things under control – for
               most important to focus on topics of concern   and wellbeing as well as a real scarcity of   example low probability, catastrophic events

               and drive them home.                resources due to world events – we're really   complemented by effective visible felt
                 ‘We continue to work on addressing our   in an accelerated VUCA [Volatile, Uncertain,   leadership to identify and mitigate risk. We
               safety hotspots and support sites through our   Complex and Ambiguous] world. In many   cannot afford to take our eye off the ball.

               internal audit programme while recognising   organisations, there is an increase in demand   'To get us through this new world,

               that H&S  can’t flourish without a genuine   for their products, volumes are increasing   we have flipped VUCA so, for us, rather

               safety culture. So, we’ll carry on building on   and at the same time there are employment/  than a negative view on the world, we see
               our work with our sites to promote OSH as a   talent challenges.       opportunity though Vision, Understanding,
               value-led business enabler.’          'At L’Oréal, OSH is driven by the line   Clarity and Agility.’

                        IOSH for Business

                        The new Business Leader   voice of business’. The   THE FORUM MEMBERS:  Lawrence Webb – chief safety
                        Forum (BLF) will further the   group will work together to   Malcolm Staves – global   offi  cer, DTSL
                        aims of IOSH, advocate   identify problems that may   vice-president for health and   Stuart Hughes – head
                        for the Activate 2028   challenge the IOSH vision   safety, L’Oréal     of health and safety at
                        strategy and support OSH   and to strategically assess   Simon Head – head of   Mercedes-AMG Petronas
                        professionals in embedding a   how issues can be resolved.   international health and   Formula One Team
                        culture of health and safety.   The expertise and   safety, Fujitsu     Martin Bardle – global
                          The BLF will facilitate   thought leadership within   Ben Legg – executive director   director for employee health
                        the IOSH vision for a   the forum will produce   HSEQ, NEOM             and safety and quality
                        safe and healthy world   forward-thinking initiatives   Sittichoke Huckuntod – health   compliance, Reckitt
                        of work, and contribute   to shape best practice,   and safety director, Nike   Andresa Hernandes –
                        towards our charitable   from micro businesses   Chris Venables – group safety   global vice-president of
                        objectives through ‘the   to corporates.        director, Tesco         safety, Siemens

                                                                                                             IOSH MAGAZINE 27

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