Page 26 - IOSH JanFeb24_Full LR
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                         The voice of


                           The first meeting of IOSH's new Business Leader Forum discussed how

                          today's operating climate is impacting OSH and creating cultural erosion

                                                          WORDS ANGELA GRAY

                 mprovements to OSH culture can   meets their own needs and expectations.   the expanded parameters have undeniably
                 often take years to achieve. Imparting   Managers and supervisors too are on   energised the profession. On the other,
                 appropriate knowledge, building   the move, creating skills and knowledge   this enhanced focus on OSH has, ironically,
              Iapplicable skills and nurturing a positive   vacuums across workforces. Signifi cant   diverted attention away from the elements of
               mindset across entire workforces   changes in the migrant worker demographic   good, safe work.
               should be relatively straightforward,   are also impacting businesses as they look to    OSH performance is driven by eff ective

               but often requires consistency in the   backfill displaced staff. And sickness absence   management systems, policies and
               operating climate.                 compounds the problem.             procedures. However, embedding safe ways

                 Of course, the reality is that things rarely    Recruitment to fill these voids can   of working among workers takes time,
               stay the same for long. Brexit, a pandemic,   be expensive. Reviewing and assessing   money, vigilance, training, coaching and
               a cost-of-living crisis and various armed   applicants, conducting interviews,   consistent communication. Future-facing

               conflicts are just some of the factors that   onboarding new starters and providing   businesses should aspire to good OSH as

               have affected the business landscape in   necessary safety training all come with   a core value across all their activities, and
               recent years. One of the biggest negative   costs attached.           nurture a positive and engaged attitude
               impacts on OSH performance and culture    At the same time, the elevated profi le   towards OSH within their workforce.
               is instability in the workforce, and this has   of safety, health and wellbeing – be it    The challenge is not only building an
               been a notable global consequence   through the prioritisation of infection risk   OSH culture from scratch, but maintaining
               of disruption.                     management in the workplace or the broader   it when it exists. Businesses who already   PHOTOGRAPHY: SHUTTERSTOCK
                  Workers are moving between jobs in great   mental health agenda – has shifted the way   possess more mature OSH cultures face the

               numbers, looking for work that more closely   that OSH is understood. On the one hand,   significant challenge of maintaining safe
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