Page 57 - NSPDK 80th Eastern Regional Conference Workbook 2020
P. 57


 ● All students need an education, we need an emphasis on vocational education    Conference accounts from July 1, 2016-June 30, 2017 and July 1, 2017- March 31, 2018.
 ● NSPDK needs to be visible in making our voices heard in legislative affairs. The  Delineated in the reports are the income and disbursements during the two time frames.
 “Call to Action” gives us guidance on what we should do legislatively.
 ● The education profession is not respected
 ● The Miseducation of the Negro  by Carter G. Woodson was written nearly 85 years  Tamias:  Sorors Shelia Evans, Former Regional Tamias and Soror Cassandra Holcomb,
 ago, but is still relevant.  Regional Tamias
 ● We (NSPDK) must do something to bring closure to the gap and save the next
 generation    Written report provided by Soror Holcomb for July 1, 2017- March 31, 2018 for the Conference
               and Operational accounts.  Written report provided by Soror Evans for July 1, 2016- June 30,
 Theta chapter seconded the motion to accept the address. The motion carried.    2017, included corrections made to dates on the Conference and Operations account
               That were truncated off by the printer.  Motion was made to accept the financial reports for
 Conference Agenda changes:  audit. Motion accepted. Yes= 52 No=0
 ● The Budget report will  follow the Tamias report, which will be followed by the
 Audit Committee report   Proposed Budget - July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019  Sorors were presented with the proposed budget
 ● 25/50 year member recognition will take place after the Election Report   for July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019.  Itemized were the budgeted income and expenses in comparison

 ● Change the “Nominating Committee Reports” to Nominations on page 25 of the  to the actual revenue and expenses for 2017-2018. The proposed budget is based on financial
 workbook       projections as indicated in the report. Soror Sawyer-Boyd moved for the acceptance of the
 ● There will be no liturgical dance rehearsal.  proposed budget. It was seconded by Beta Omicron chapter. Motion passed Yes= 52 No=0
 ● Following  the Rap Dinner, insert the Amenities Report

 ● Following the 2018 Conference Report insert the 2019 Conclave Presentation.     Audit Report:  Soror Vickie Pendelton, Audit Chair.  The report covers the audit of financial
               records for July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. Based on the audit of the Operations and
 ● There will be no credentials report on Sunday.    Conference accounts of the Eastern Region, the Audit Chair concludes:
 ● Insert ERFRS Appeal following the First Time Attendees Recognition

 Eta chapter moves for the acceptance of the agenda corrections. Alpha Chi seconds the motion.   ● Kudos given for adequate explanations and detailed records of
 The motion carries.      income
                       ● Financial officers diligent in fulfilling their responsibilities.
 Correspondence: Soror Cheryl Calicott-Trawick, Regional Epistoleus  ● The Tamiouchos and Tamias are commended for working diligently
 A written report of all correspondence appears in the conference workbook (p. 60-71)  to the Region’s records financially sound.
 Sorors are reminded to read the newsletter from the Supreme Basileus aloud in its  Soror Pendleton moved for the acceptance of the report.  It was seconded by Alpha Pi chapter.
 entirety during chapter meetings. It is required to read the message from the Eastern
 Regional Director aloud in its entirety at chapter meetings. A motion to accept the  Motion accepted.
 report as given made by Alpha Pi chapter and was seconded by Xi chapter. Motion
 accepted.     E.R.F.R.S., Inc.: Soror Juanita High, Chair, report located on page 119 of the Conference
                workbook.  Three items were highlighted
 Minutes: Soror Donyele Wilkerson, Regional Grammateus  ● Chapters take notice of and adhere to the contribution plan
 The minutes of the 2017 Eastern Regional Conference are included in the conference  ● An income report was given verbally.
  workbook on pages 37-51. There were no additions or corrections. Beta Lambda  ● Conducting a raffle with winners announced at the second plenary
 chapter made the motion to accept the minutes and Beta Omicron seconded. Motion    session.
               Special Recognition: Soror Noreen E. Little, Eastern Regional Director
 Financial Reports  Sorors attending the Eastern Region Conference for the first time were recognized with a

                       certificate and gift.
 Tamiouchos: Soror Veronica Sawyer-Boyd, Regional Tamiouchos
 The written reports of the Financial Secretary reflect all transactions in the Operational and

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