Page 61 - NSPDK 80th Eastern Regional Conference Workbook 2020
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 Evelyn West, 49 votes
               Educational Perspective Journal: Soror Karen Kelly, Chair, distributed the journal.  Soror
 Recommendation #1 (National submission) - Candidates shall have attended two (2) of the three   Regina Rowland Perry, Xi Chapter, for creating all of the graphics for the journal. The theme this
 (3) Conclaves prior to the year of election.  The National headquarters office manager  year was "PDK: Our Past , Our Present, Our Future"  Soror Kelly encouraged the receipt of
 shall verify the foregoing requirements. Delete "consecutively"  more articles for next year, as well as members for the committee.
 Vote: 16 Add  30 1 invalid ballot.
 Due to an incorrect layout of the Ballot a re-vote to reflect a yes/no vote was called.  Achievement & Citation: Soror Constance Young, Chair, asked sorors to visit the Exhibition
 2nd Vote: 49 Yes     3  No    0  Abstain  room to view the beautiful scrapbooks submitted for Achievement and Citations Honors.

               Amenities: Soror Karen Lettsome, Chair, although the report is not in the book, gave thanks to
 Recommendation #2 - It is recommended that the National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Inc  all of the chapters who submitted reports.  Chapters that submitted reports: Alpha Mu, Iota, Beta
 establish a youth mentoring and guidance group specifically designed to address the  Omicron, Delta Lambda, Pi, Eta and Alpha. She distributed gifts to Regional Chairs and
 needs and concerns of 7th and 8th grade middle school students which will serve as an  Administrative Committee chairs following the plenary session.
 introductory predecessor for membership in the Xinos and Kudos helping to stimulate
 membership.  Vote: 37  Yes  11 No     1  Abstain 1  Invalid ballot  Human Resources: Melanie Alston-Balaputra, Chair, informed sorors of a plan to make a form

               will be available online to collect the information required to develop a talent database.
 Recommendation #3- In the absence of a Xinos and/or Kudos group at the Eastern Region Youth
 Conference, a chapter will be assessed the fee of $150.00    Officers' Workshop: Hattie Solomon, Chair, asked sorors to evaluate the workshops using the
                electronic survey distributed by Soror Huntley in order to collect data for the evaluation.  She
 Vote: 24 Yes  23 No     3 Abstain  *due to the lack of a 2/3 majority the vote failed to  reminded sorors that to scan the QR code and complete the survey for each workshop attended.
               Rap Dinner: Soror Carolyn Jones-Irving, Chair, reported a very successful Rap Dinner on the
 Chair moved for the acceptance of the report.  Seconded by Pi Chapter.    subject of Merit Pay for Teachers. Two sorors served as co-presenters: Chaleeta Hines, Epsilon
               Alpha advocating for merit pay and Debra Burroughs, Beta Zeta advocating against merit pay.
 Youth:  Soror Marilyn Jones, Kudos Chair and Chaleeta Hines, Xinos Chair, recognized  The presenters sparked lively discussions among sorors and guests. Guests raved about the
 chapters and sorors for adhering to deadlines and for helping during the conference.   traditional southern fare served for dinner.

 Literacy: Soror Suzanne Richards, Chair, reported 100% of chapters submitted a Literacy  Perpetual Scholarship: Soror Lisa Frierson, Perpetual Scholarship Foundation President
 report. Recognized Read Across America’s 1st through 3rd place winners with certificates; first  Reminded sorors that two (2) years of paid membership is required be eligible for the doctoral
 place winner Beta Omicron with 1100 pledges, second place winner Alpha chapter with 827   scholarship.  Sororal membership is $25. Chapters should contribute $300 per year.
 pledges,  and third place winner Delta Phi chapter with 543 pledges. Encourages all chapters to
 participate next year. The Literacy luncheon was phenomenal with over $1,300 in donations  Past National Officers: Soror Gwendolyn Watts, Regional Chair  Displayed presentation
 received.  Youth dancers, violinist and a brass band performed.  Soror Richards congratulated the   picturing past national officers.
 host chapter for great work.

 Committee Reports: Soror Noreen E. Little, Eastern Regional Director  2018 Youth Conference Update: Sheila Griffin, Basileus Alpha Pi
 All committee reports can be found in the workbook. Only chairs with changes to the written
 report came forward.   E.R.F.R.S., Inc:  Soror Juanita High, Chair, distributed the budget and the financial report.
                E.R.F.R.S Committee revealed the winners of the raffle and distributed prizes at the conclusion
                of the reports.

                2018 E. R. Conference Report: Kathy Allen, Beta Zeta Chapter

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