Page 59 - NSPDK 80th Eastern Regional Conference Workbook 2020
P. 59


 77th Eastern Region Conference Evaluation: Soror Anona Huntley, Member -At-Large,  Election Commitee Report: Soror Izetta Brown, Chair, reported that voting would take place
 (see Workbook pg. 54.) A synopsis is given from the conference evaluation responses  at 6:15 am in the Bull Durham Room, advising that both delegates must report together.
 completed by sorors who attended the Eastern Region Conference held April 20-23, 2017 at  the   Delegates will vote on the three recommendations and candidates for the Nominations
 Westin Princeton at Forrestal Village in Princeton, New Jersey and hosted by Pi Chapter.   Committee.

 Membership: Soror Margaret Franklin, Regional Chair, (see report on pages 124-127 of the  Saturday April 27, 2019
 conference workbook.) The chairperson displayed membership statistics from the passed twenty
 years. The region has experienced a decline in membership.  The Regional Chair asked chapters
 to become dedicated to growing the sorority as we move toward the100 Year Anniversary.   Second Plenary

                       Presiding:  Soror Noreen E. Little,—Eastern Regional Director
 Y.E.S. Program and Administrative Reports  Roll Call:  Donyele Wilkerson, Regional Grammateus **parenthesis ( ), denotes number
                of Delegates/Alternates

 "Say it Loud" Initiative; Soror Anona Huntley, Member-At-Large, composed and displayed a  Chapters Present (26 ) Alpha (2/1), Beta (2/2), Gamma (2/1), Epsilon (2/1), Zeta (2/0),
 presentation of pictures of chapters engaged in Y.E.S. activities. 20 chapters submitted pictures
 for the presentation.  She thanked chapters for their support and solicited pictures to compose the  Eta (2/1), Theta (2/1), Iota (2/1), Xi (1/1), Pi (1/1), Rho(2/2), Alpha Zeta (2/2), Alpha Mu (2/1), Alpha Pi
                       Alpha (2/0),
 presentation for next year.
                       Chapters Absent: (4) Alpha Lambda, Alpha Tau, Delta Gamma, Delta Gamma,
 Regional Retreat: Soror Cathleen Snyder, Regional Chair, distributed fliers for the Eastern
 Regional Retreat to be held October 5-7, 2018 at Kalahari Resorts in the Poconos, PA.     Epsilon Chi

 Recommendations Committee Report: Suzanne Gibbs, read the three Eastern Region  Credentials Report: Terry Wood, Regional Credentials Chair
 recommendations (found on pages 139-141 of the conference workbook) with the rationale for
 each in order to prepare for the vote.  Xi chapter made the motion to accept the  Chapters Charted: 42   Chapters Registered: 26
 recommendations, Beta Omicron Chapter seconded.
               Chapters Inactive: 12                         Chapters Present: 26
 25/50 Year Membership Presentation: Soror Noreen E. Little, Eastern Regional Director  Chapters Absent: 4
               Votes per chapter: 2                          Voting Strength: 52
 The 2018 class of new 50 and 25 year member were honored and presented with sorority  Majority Vote: 27   2/3 Majority Vote: 35
 anniversary pins and certificates.
               Soror Wood moved for the acceptance of the report. Alpha Chi seconded. Motion Carried.
 Announcements: Soror Donyele Wilkerson, Regional Grammateus
                              Y.E.S. Program and Administrative Reports ....continued
 Nominations Committee: Soror Drusilla Kinzonzi, Regional Executive Advisor
 There are three vacancies on the nominations committee. Accepting nominations from the floor
 to fill the three vacancies. Nominated from the floor Delores Alexander, Gamma Chapter, Maria   Nominations Committee Vacancies
 Allmand, Alpha Mu Chapter, Evelyn West, Xi Chapter. The three nominations for the  Marshall's Report: Soror Farela Howie, Chair, reported the collection of $5.00 in fines.
 nominations committee will appear on the ballot.
               Election Results: Soror Izetta Brown, Chair, reported that elections were conducted for 6:15 to
                7:15 AM on April 21, 2018.  All chapters except Epsilon reported to vote.

                              Maria Allmond, 48 votes
                              Delores Alexander, 49 votes

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